Recipe Structure Breakdown

Recipe Structure Breakdown

The recipe breakdown calculates the gross content per part and per substance for a recipe through an infinite number of levels.
To make a breakdown possible some prerequisites are needed. First a composition needs to be entered for the part in the lowest level of the structure. The breakdown stops when it hits on a part with a composition, even if it is a manufactured part, all data that is needed for the calculation needs to be entered on the substance. If some data that is needed to calculate specific physical properties are missing, this property will get the value zero.

Breakdown per Part

The picture below describes a normal recipe structure with some purchase parts and some intermediate parts.



Breakdown per Substance

To get the results for breakdown per substance there must be information in the composition for each included part. Below is a picture to describe the breakdown. In the picture, S1, P1 and B1 stand for different types of substances.


Breakdown Error Message

If there are some problems with the breakdown, the Breakdown Failed check box will be selected in the Recipe Structure window. To view the message, right-click and then click Breakdown Error Message. You can only see one part at a time and this message only shows the first part that the breakdown stopped at. So if there is more than one part with a problem, you need to run the breakdown a couple of times.

Physical Properties

To calculate all physical properties, the application must use information from the result from the breakdown per part, the result from the breakdown per substance and the result from the breakdown per part together with the part composition. Below is a list of abbreviations that are used in the formulae and then descriptions along with formulae on how the application calculates the properties. (For all formulae below, the units in standard units. Any other units that may exist are converted into standard units prior to the calculation).

δp = Density for the component part*
δps = Solid Density for the component part**
δs = Density for the substance
δt = Theoretical Density for the parent part, (calculated)
OAs = Oil Absorption per Substance
SCp = Solid Contents by Weight (%) for the component part*
WSp = Weight Share (%) per component part
WSs = Weight Share (%) per substance
WSx = Weight Share (%) per specific substance type, where, x could be f=filler, b=binder, p=pigment

*Values from the part catalog, if there is no value in part catalog the value from inventory part will be fetched, but only for the calculation of the recipes theoretical density.

**Values from the part catalog.

Formulae for Fields in the Theoretical Density Area

All density values are showed in the unit which is the default for density for the company.

Recipe Density

The density for the recipe (parent part) is calculated as a function of the component parts density from Part/Composition by Weight window and the Weight Share (%) for each component part in the breakdown result.

For parent parts without a by-product in the structure, the value in the numerator always needs to be 1.

Solid Density

The Solid Density for the parent part is calculated as a function of the component parts solid density and the solid contents by weight calculated in the Part/Composition by Weight window and the Weight Share (%) for each component part in the breakdown result.

Volatile Density

The volatile density for the parent part is calculated as a function of the Volatile Substances Weight Share (%) and the density for those substances.

where, T Є (Substance Types = Solvent, non-VOC Solvents and Water).

Formulae for Fields in the Solid Content Area

Weight Share (%)

The Solid Contents by weight for the parent part is calculated as a function of the Weight Share (%) from the breakdown result per part and the Solid Contents by weight calculated in the Part/Composition by Weight window.

Volume (%)

The Solid Contents by volume for the parent part is calculated as a function of the Weight Share (%) from the breakdown result per part, the Solid Contents by weight and the density for each component part and the theoretical recipe density for the parent part.

Volume (g/l)

The Solid Contents g/l for the parent part is calculated as a function of the Solid Contents by weight and the theoretical recipe density for the parent part.

Volume (lb/gal(US))

The Solid Content Volume (lb/gal(US)) is the same as Solid Content Volume (g/l), when the value is converted.

Formulas for Fields in the Substance Ratio Area


The Pigment Volume Concentration (PVC),  is calculated as: volume of fillers and pigments divided by volume of pigments, fillers and binders


The PVC - Pigment Volume Concentration is the relation between the component part Weight Share (%) and density of the part, and how much of pigments the part consists of, divided with the same but also how much binders and fillers exist in each component part.


The critical pigment volume concentration is calculated using the oil absorption value on the solid substances in the recipe. All solid substances which have a value for oil absorption will be included in the calculations.

where, T Є (Substance Types = Additive*, Filler* and Pigment*).
*OAs must have a Value


The ratio between PVC and CPVC.

Color Pigments (kg/100l)

The Color Pigment (kg/100l) is calculated as a function of the Weight Share (%) for the substances which have the substance type pigment and the pigment is color pigment from the breakdown result per substance, the theoretical density for the parent part is divided by 10.

where, TЄ (Substance Types = Pigment and that the pigment is a color pigment).


This is the ratio between the pigments + fillers and the binders.

Binder/(Binders + Solvents)

where, T Є (Substance Types = Binders) and U Є (Substance Types = Binders and Solvents).

Formulae for Fields in the VOC Area

VOC Weight(%)

The VOC Weight (%) is calculated as 100 - summary of the Weight Share (%) of all solid substances and water from the breakdown result per substance.

where, T Є (Substance Types = Pigment, Filler, Binder, Additive and Water).

VOC (g/l)

The VOC (g/l) is calculated as a function of the VOC Weight (%) and the theoretical recipe density for the parent part.

VOC (lb/gal(US))

The VOC (lb/gal(US)) is the same as VOC (g/l), when the value is converted.

ASTM (g/l)

The ASTM (g/l )is calculated as a function of the VOC (g/l), the theoretical recipe density for the parent part and the Weight Share (%) for the substance type water from the breakdown result per substance.

ASTM (lb/gal(US))

The ASTM (lb/gal(US)) is the same as ASTM (g/l), when the value is converted.

Formulae for Fields in the VOC excl Non-VOC Solvents Area

VOC Weight (%)

The VOC Weight (%) is calculated as 100 - summary of the Weight Share (%) of all solids, Non-VOC solvents and water substances from the breakdown result per substance.

where, T Є (Substance Types = Pigment, Filler, Binder, Additive, Water and Non-VOC Solvent).

VOC (g/l)

The VOC (g/l) is calculated as a function of the 100 - summary of the Weight Share (%) of all solids, Non-VOC solvents and water substances from the breakdown result per substance and the theoretical density for the parent part.

ASTM (lb/gal(US))

The ASTM (lb/gal(US)) is the same as ASTM (g/l), when the value is converted.