Create Routing Manually


Use this activity to create a routing with the operations needed to manufacture the part. When you enter operations, you specify the work center that will perform each operation, enter their manufacturing factors (how long manufacturing is expected to take), and define the unit of measure (in which you specify the manufacturing lead time by changing the factor unit). You can also enter routing serial ranges and connect tool IDs to operations. These procedures are described in separate activities.

For outside work center operations, you can either select the Outside Operation Backflush type or the Outside Operation Supply type. If an outside operation item has not been entered for the outside operation, a message will appear. However, you have the option of creating a new outside operation item.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:



Related Window Descriptions

Routing/Routing Serials
Routing/Routing Tools
Create Outside Operation Item


  1. Open the Routing  window.
  2. Select New to create a new routing record.
  3. With the cursor in the Part No field, either create a selective query, or use the List of Values to select the part for which you want to enter operations. 
  4. In the Routings tab, enter a description of the alternative.
  5. Select a line in the the table area of the Routings tab. Select New to create a routing record for the part.
  6. Enter a suitable sequence number for the operation.
  7. Enter a description of the operation.
  8. Select a work center where the operation will be performed. Use the List of Values to select from available work centers.
  9. Specify machine time and/or labor time.
  10. Enter the unit of measure for the manufacturing time in the Factor Unit column.
  11. If you are specifying labor setup time, select Setup Labor Class and Setup Crew Size. Use List of Values to select from available labor classes.
  12. If you are specifying labor run time, select Labor Class and Crew Size. Use List of Values to select from available labor classes.
  13. If the operation is scheduled using CBS, you have the option to define an overlap time. Enter the value in the CBS Overlap field.
  14. Select the appropriate unit from the CBS Overlap Unit list. Possible values are Percentage and Units. Note: The meaning of operation overlap is how early a succeeding operation is allowed to start, in relation to its latest scheduled preceding operation start time. (For more details refer to the Operation Overlap about description).
  15. If you are specifying an outside operation, select an outside operation item. Use the List of Values to select from available parts. This part must be defined as a non-inventory purchase part.
  16. If the operation is for an outside work center, select the Outside Op Backflush type and Outside Op Supply Type from the respective list boxes.
  17. Repeat steps 4–11 for each operation.
  18. To be able to plan or to use the routing, the alternative status must be changed from Tentative to Plannable or Buildable. Do this by using the appropriate right mouse button option in the Routings tab.
  19. Save the record.
  20. If there is no outside operation item entered, Create Outside Op Item dialog box will open. Enter part number, description and price in Purchase Part No, Part Description and Price fields respectively. Note: Currency will get the default value from the supplier. The UoM field will get the default value from unit of measure of the routing part. If supplier is related to the outside work center, it will also get the default value from the work center.

Note: When using the Prototype routing type, the routing alternate can only be in the Tentative or Obsolete states. The routing alternate is created in the Tentative state and can be used in Manufacturing. The routing alternates which are in the Obsolete state will not be available for use in Manufacturing and cannot be changed to a different state.