Routing Template/Routing Template Operations

[About Routing Template] [About Routing Master Data]

[To MFG Standard]


Use this window to view and maintain routing template operations. For an existing template operation, all data is shown. For a new template operation, all data must be entered. Depending on how you use the routing template, changing it could cause the system to change many routing revisions. When a template operation is added, modified, or deleted, the template status will change to Changes Pending if the template is referenced. When you have made all of your changes to a template, right-click in the Routing Template window and then click Propagate Changes to call up a dialog box that will assist you in propagating the revised template.

Only the standard operations defined for the same site as routing can be copied or referenced.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Structure/Routing


Add standard operation
Modify standard operation
Remove standard operation reference