View Electronic Payment Address


This activity is used to present payment file trace Information in a payment format specific way: Electronic payment addresses in this window are shown both according to the definition in payment address presentation and with the client mappings of the payment format.


This activity requires that a payment has been created using a payment method which generates payment trace information.

System Effects

As a result of this activity payment address data of electronic payments by file can be viewed in a payment format specific way.


Payment File Trace Information

Related Window Descriptions

Electronic Payment Address
Payment Address Presentation
Client Mapping
Payment File Trace Information


To display payment file trace information with format specific mappings and presentation:

  1. Open the Payment File Trace Information window and use the Populate or Query function to find payment file trace information.
  2. Select the item for which you want to view electronic payment address data in a format specific way, right-click, and click Electronic Payment Address to open the Electronic Payment Address window. Note: The window title is set to the payment format description.
  3. Open the Line Item tab to view the payment address data of the payee/payer according to payment address presentation of the used payment format.
  4. Select the Cash Account tab to receive information on the own payment institute and cash account used for this payment. Select tab Electronic Payment Address to see the payment address data of the payee/payer with format specific client mappings.