View Payment Address per Payment


This activity is used to view information about electronic payment address information belonging to payments made by file after the acknowledgement/approval of a payment. Both the payer's/payee's and the own payment address data can be traced. The presentation of electronic payment addresses used for this activity can be defined per payment format and use. If no payment address presentation is set up for the used format and for use Payment Transaction or All, only the account will be shown.


This activity requires that a payment has been created using a payment method that creates payment trace information. Note: If the payment is not yet acknowledged/approved but is in, In Order status, this activity should be used to trace payment address information.

System Effects

As a result of this activity payment address information for electronic payments by file can be traced after the order has been acknowledged/approved.


Payments per Customer Analysis
Payments per Supplier Analysis
Customer Analysis
Supplier Analysis
Customer Invoice Analysis
Supplier Invoice Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Payment Address per Payment
Payment Address Presentation
Payments per Customer Analysis
Payments per Supplier Analysis
Customer Analysis
Payments per Invoice/Prepayment Analysis (Customer)
Supplier Analysis
Payments per Invoice/Prepayment Analysis (Supplier)
Customer Invoice Analysis
Supplier Invoice Analysis


To view Payment Address per Payment using Customer Analysis or Supplier Analysis windows:

  1. Open the Customer Analysis or Supplier Analysis window and use the Populate or Query function to find the customer/supplier for whom you want to view payment address information.
  2. Populate the table or query for the invoice/prepayment for which you want to follow up payments.
  3. Select the invoice/prepayment for which you want to view payment address information, right-click, and click Payments per Invoice/Prepayment to open the Payments per Invoice/Prepayment Analysis window. All the payments made for the selected invoice/prepayment will be displayed in this window.
  4. Select the payment for which you want to view payment address information, right-click, and click Payment Address Data to open the Payment Address per Payment window. In tab Payment Address you see information on the payer's/payee's payment address as well as general information like payment reference, remittance information and payment amount, in tab Cash Account you get information on the own payment institute and cash account which was used to make the payment.

To view Payment Address per Payment using Payment per Customer Analysis or Payment per Supplier Analysis windows:

  1. Open the Payments per Customer Analysis or Payments per Supplier Analysis window and use the Populate or Query function to find the customer/supplier for whom you want to view payment address data.
  2. Populate the table or query for the cash transactions for which you want to view payment address data.
  3. Select the cash transaction which you want to follow up, select the ledger transaction from the Ledger Transaction table for which you want to trace payment address data, right-click and click Payment Address Data to open the Payment Address per Payment window. In the Payment Address tab you can view information on the payer's/payee's payment address as well as general information like payment reference, remittance information and payment amount, in the  Cash Account tab you get information on the own payment institute and cash account which was used to make the payment.

To view payment address per payment using Customer Invoice Analysis or Supplier Invoice Analysis windows:

  1. Open the Customer Invoice Analysis or Supplier Invoice Analysis window and use the Populate or Query function to find the customer/supplier invoice for which you want to view payment address data.
  2. Open the Payment Status tab.
  3. Select the row in status Paid for which you want to see payment address data, right-click, and click Payment Address Data to open the Payment Address per Payment window. In the Payment Address tab you find information on the payer's/payee's payment address as well as general information like payment reference, remittance information and payment amount, in tab Cash Account you get information on the own payment institute and cash account which was used to make the payment.