Rerun Erroneous Distribution and Manufacturing Postings

[About Business Control in Distribution and Manufacturing]

[To Inventory Financial Control]


Errors may occur when posting and checking validations are made for a transaction. For example, a control type value may be missing or two different sets of rules may be clashing. If such an error occurs, the posting process stops and the result is stored. The superior posting record is also marked with the error. However, the transaction itself is not put on hold. You can check the incorrect postings in the Distribution and Manufacturing Posting Analysis window, where the status code and description show if the posting is incorrect or simply needs to be supplemented.
The cause for errors can be found in Posting Control, Code String Completion, Code Part, Combination Control Types, etc windows. After you have corrected the rules in above places, rerun the incorrect posting in the Rerun Erroneous Distribution and Manufacturing Postings window.

Activity Diagrams

Transfer inventory transactions


Rerun Erroneous Distribution and Manufacturing Postings