MRO Shop Order/Produced Part

Receive MRO Shop Order/Produced Part

[About Disassembly Shop Order] [About Repair Shop Order] [About Assembly Shop Order] [About Shop Order] [About Position Parts]

[To Execute Work Scope]


Use this tab to view information about produced parts with disassembly, repair and assembly MRO shop orders. The upper table shows the position - or in the case of repair shop orders real - parts that will be produced by the MRO shop order. The lower table shows the list of valid alternates (i.e., the list of valid alternates for a part in a particular structure position) for the selected part in the upper table. 

For disassembly shop orders, the upper table will contain all the components that disassembly to the specified maintenance level produces. These parts will all be position parts. For each position part in the upper table, the lower table will show the set of all real parts that can be received in this position. These are identical to the position alternates defined in VIM.

This information provides you with a set of valid parts which could be received from disassembly. When a 'real part' which is not on this list of valid positional alternates is encountered, the result is one type of  'different part found' scenario. In this case, manual intervention is required and you should consult an engineer to determine the proper course of action.

For assembly shop orders, the upper table contains a position part (the product of the assembly, i.e., the position part shown in the assembly shop order header) and lower table will show the set of all real parts that can be received in this position. These are identical to the position alternates defined in VIM.

For repair shop orders, both the upper and lower tables will contain the same real part (the product of the repair, i.e., the real part shown in the repair shop order header). This is because disassembly has revealed the actual parts being repaired. Because there are no position parts involved, there are no position alternates to display. 

Activity Diagrams

Disassemble overhaul object
Handle repair shop order
Assemble overhaul object
