View and Analyze NCR Chart


This activity is used to view and analyze non conformance report (NCR) information.


At least one non conformance report must exist.

System Effects



NCR Chart

Related Window Descriptions

NCR Chart


The NCR information can be viewed and analyzed by applying different features in any order.

  1. Date Range Filter
  2. Draw Chart
  3. Content Filter
  4. Chart Types
  5. Saved Filters
  6. Additional Features
  1. Date Range Filter

The date range filter is used to define the date range for the NCR chart.

  1. To view the NCR chart for a specific year, click the required year. At least one year must be selected to be able to view data on the NCR chart. Several years can also be selected at the same time.
  2. To view the NCR chart for a specific quarter for the year range defined in step 1, click the required quarter. Several quarters can be selected at the same time.
  3. To view the NCR chart for a specific month for the year range defined in step 1, click the required month. Several months can be selected at the same time.

Note: The default start year for the NCR chart is set to four years prior to the current year. i.e., if the current year is 2013, the default start year will be 2009. To change the start year, right-click anywhere in the header of the NCR Chart window and then click Define Year Range.

Note: The Creation Date values are used to determine if a specific NCR falls into the specified date range.

  1. Draw Chart

The draw chart options are used to define if the NCR chart should display the selected date range as aggregated, yearly or quarterly.

  1. In the Draw Chart By area, select the required option. The available options are Aggregated, Quarterly and Yearly.

Note: If Quarterly is selected, at least one quarter must be selected in the date range filter to view data on the NCR chart.

  1. Content Filter

The content filter is used both to select which NCR attribute to display in the chart, i.e. to decide the chart title, and also to filter the chart data by applying NCR attribute value filters.

  1. Click the Content Filter tab.
  2. To select which NCR attribute to display in the chart, click Status, Non Conformance Code, Severity ID, Root Cause ID, Source ID, Location ID or Reference Standard.
  3. To apply a content filter, select one or more attribute values for one or more NCR attributes.

Note: Information about the currently used date range and content filter settings is displayed in the Current Filter text box.

Note: Click Clear to clear all current content filter and date range settings.

Note: You can show or hide content filter attributes by right-clicking and then clicking on the attribute in the Content Filter tab.

  1. Chart Types

The NCR data can be presented in different types of charts.

  1. Select Bar, Column, Line or Pie based on the type of chart you want to have.
  2. Select 3D to display the chart selected in step 1 in a 3D format.
  3. Select Stacked to display the chart selected in step 1 as stacked.

Note: The Pie chart option can only be selected if aggregated chart data is displayed.

Note: The Stacked option can only be selected if the chart data is displayed yearly or quarterly.

  1. Saved Filters

It is possible to save current date range and content filter settings as a saved filter.

To create a new saved filter.

  1. Click Save.
  2. The Save Chart dialog box opens.
  3. In the Chart Description field, enter a description of the saved filter. Entering a value in this field is mandatory.
  4. Click OK to save the filter.

Note: If the Global check box is selected, the saved filter will be available for all users. Otherwise it will be only available for the user who created the filter.

Note: Only the content filter and the date range settings are saved to the filter. The used chart settings (column/bar/pie, stacked, 3D etc) are not saved to the filter.

To use existing saved filters.

  1. Click Populate.
  2. Click the Saved Filters tab.
  3. Select the required saved filter. Right-click and then click Draw Chart. The saved filter settings are applied to the NCR chart immediately.
  1. Additional Features

Additional features that are available in the NCR Chart window.