Connect Property to Object


Use this property to connect a property codes to either a company, work location, organization code, position code, or job ID. Properties can also be connected to payment methods if IFS/Employee Payment is installed. 


In order to perform this activity, property codes are required to be registered in the Property Field Definition window.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Company Details
Company Offices
Graphical Organization Structure
Graphical Position Structure
Job Detail

Related Window Descriptions

Company Details/Property
Company Offices
Graphical Organization Structure
Graphical Position Structure/Property
Job Detail/Property


Perform the following procedure to connect property codes and values. Company level property codes are used as an example. 

  1. Open the Company Details window.
  2. Query or populate to find the company for which you want to connect property codes.
  3. Go to the Property tab and create a new record.
  4. In the Property Code field, enter a code using the list.
  5. In the Property Value field, enter a value. Note: If the property values are pre defined, you can use the list to select the required value.
  6. Enter dates in the Valid From and Valid To fields in order to specify the period during which the property code can be used.
  7. Save the information.

You can connect property codes to work locations, organization codes, position codes and job ID's in the Company Offices, Graphical Organization Structure, Graphical Position Structure and Job Detail windows respectively.