Register Organization Code


Use this function to enter the organization units and, if required, the organization hierarchal structure. The organization structure describes the company in terms of departments, groups, teams etc. The organization levels are user defined. 

You can register new organization codes, as well as change the current structure, by using drag and drop functionality, i.e. moving organization units around in the graphical structure using the mouse. 

The organization codes form an integral part of the data for a position. The position structure is a detailed definition of the authority within an organization. The organization code defines the accounting code parts for the transactions created by the employees connected to the position. 

In, e.g.,  IFS/Time and Attendance, the organization code is completing the transactions transferred to payroll. This in order to have a correct account for the time registered.

System Effects

If an organization code is entered the code is used when transferring Time & Attendance data to the Payroll system.


Graphical Organization Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Graphical Organization Structure


  1. Open the Graphical Organization Structure window. The navigator will list the already created organization codes.
  2. Select one organization code and go to the General tab.
  3. Create a new record. The parent organization code of the new organization you create will be what you selected in step 2.
  4. Enter an organization code and organization name in the Org Code and Organization Name field.
  5. Enter the level of the organization in the Org Level Name field. Select a value from the list. Note: The org level you select is required to have a lower rank than the org level of the parent organization code.
  6. Enter an alias code in the Org Code Alias field.
  7. Enter the valid period of the code using the Valid From and Valid To fields.
  8. Save the information.