Register Position Access


Position Access is used to create the correct authority structure for supervisors and employees. When you generate the authority definitions, the system creates a completed structure of positions with their given authority rights. You can view the results in both the Authority Result Table and in the Access Result Graphics tabs.


Before registering, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this entry, you are able to assign employees to positions, and thereby define which employees that have the right to access and / or authorize other employees. 


Position Access

Related Window Descriptions

Position Access


  1. Select New to enter a new authority definition. 
  2. Use the List of Values to select the Position ID for which you want to define authority rights.
  3. Use the List of Values in the Access to Position ID column, to define the position that the authority right begins with. 
  4. Select Include Access to Position Holder, if the Position ID should be able to access the position that you entered in the Access to Position ID.
  5. Select Include Access to Lower Positions if you want the position to be able to access positions located below (in the position structure) the position that you entered in the Access to Position ID column. 
  6. Use Selection type Included to define that the row you are creating adds authority rights to the position. Use the Exclude value when you want to remove or exclude authority rights that has previously been added by another row. E.g. a position is given access to all positions in the position structure, but the position holder should not be able to authorize his/her own travel expenses. This requires at least two rows, on to add authority rights using Included, and one to remove authority rights, using Excluded.
  7. Use the List of Values to select an Authority Attribute if the position should be able to authorize e.g. travel expenses or time results.
  8. Select Save.
  9. Select Generate via the right mouse button.
  10. View the result in the Access Results or the Access Result Graphics tabs. In the graphical presentation, each row entered in the Access Definition tab is represented by a node in the right part of the window, except for when the row is connected to an Excluded Selection type.