Connect to Existing Work Order


Use this activity to connect an existing work order to a stop event. This connection is necessary when the event is related to a work order. Once the connection is complete, the work order can be accessed via the Work Order link in the Stop Event window.


Information for the selected stop event record must be saved before you can proceed with the connection.

System Effects

A work order is connected to the stop event, and you can view information on this work order by clicking the available link in the Stop Event window.

Related Window Descriptions

Stop Event
Connect to Work Order - List of Values
Stop Event
Production Unit


Use this procedure to connect a stop event to a work order:

  1. Open the Stop Event window and identify the stop event you want.
  2. Right-click and then click Connect to Work Order. A List of Values dialog box opens. Enter the work order number and/or object ID you want, and then click Find. The search result(s) will appear in the lower part of the dialog box. Select the row that contains the work order you want, and click OK to close the dialog box.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. To view information on the connected work order click on the available link (Work Order XXX).

You can also use the Search functionality to locate the stop event to which you want to connect a work order. The following procedure can be used, for instance, when you know the ID of the stop event you want.

  1. Open the Search navigator by clicking Search on the toolbar.
  2. In the Search For list, click Stop. Enter necessary information in the Search Criteria area and click Search.
  3. The Stop Event Overview window opens with the search result(s).
  4. Select the row that holds the event you want, right-click and then click Show Details. The Stop Event window opens with information for the selected event.
  5. Right-click and then click Connect to Work Order. A List of Values dialog box opens. Enter the work order number and/or object ID you want, and then click Find. The search result(s) will appear in the lower part of the dialog box. Select the row that contains the work order you want, and click OK to close the dialog box.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. To view information on the connected work order click on the available link (Work Order XXX).