Enter Complementary PM Information


Use this activity to enter complementary information about a Separate or Route PM action, such as: test point, signature, priority, etc.


Before the complementary information is entered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the information on separate or route PM action is updated.


Separate PM Action
Route PM Action

Related Window Descriptions

Separate PM Action/General
Route PM Action/General

Separate PM Action/Prepare

Route PM Action/Prepare


  1. Select the General tab. 
  2. In the Planned By field, use List of Values to select the signature of the person who prepared the PM action. At new entry, the value in this field is the signature of the person who created the PM action.
  3. In the Priority field, select an appropriate degree of priority.
  4. Select the Prepare tab.
  5. In the Testpoint field, select a suitable test point for the PM action.
  6. In the Contractor field, select an external contractor who will perform the PM action, if applicable.
  7. In the Material field, enter any references, for example: manufacturer’s manuals.
  8. In the Test Number field, enter any ID number for measures required by authorities, etc.
  9. The Alternate Designation field is a text field where you can enter optional information, for example: specific search terms for your company that you want to include in the system.
  10. Save the information.