Once the job programs are created, they should be added to the equipment object in order to generate PM actions. Only active job programs can be added to the object.
Prior to adding a job program to an object, the job program and the object you want to add it to must be determined. Once that has been established, the system will run a check to determine whether the particular job program has already been added to the object. If this is the case, the Program used on Object check box will be selected. The check box is only there for informational purposes, it does not prevent you from adding the same job program to an object more than once.
When you retrieve a job program, the standard jobs connected to it will be automatically retrieved as well. However, you can add more standard jobs (which are not connected to the job program) to the PM action that is to be generated. They can be added using one of the following methods:
You can connect both separate and route standard jobs as well as the standard jobs that are defined as Standard Text Only. Standard jobs can be connected each time you want to add a job program to an object. Note: Standard jobs added in this way will only result in them being added to the PM action that is generated and NOT to the job programs themselves.
In addition, if there are any existing PM actions for the selected object, you can manually connect (i.e., redirect) a standard job to one of the existing PM actions.
Once you have decided on the standard jobs that are to be connected to the PM action, you can run a simulation to make sure that you have the correct combination of standard jobs and PM actions. A PM action will be simulated for each standard job. The simulated PM action will receive a six digit number starting from 000001.
If you have too many standard jobs, this will result in too many PM actions being created. To minimize the number of PM actions, you can select the Merge on PM check box. This will group the similar standard jobs into one PM action, thus reducing the number of PM actions that are actually created. The standard job's maintenance organization, action, work type, operational status, and priority as well as the interval and interval unit are considered when grouping the standard jobs.
When the Merge on PM check box is selected, the system will first search through the list of existing PM actions (of the object) for a preliminary PM action revision, which have the same criteria as the standard jobs. If such a PM action exists, the system will assign the standard job to that PM action. If a preliminary PM action revision does not exist, the system will look for an active PM action revision (for which work orders have not been generated) to assign the standard job. If the system cannot find such an active PM action, you will be prompted to create a new revision when generating the PM action. If there are no PM actions that have the same criteria as the standard jobs, the system will simulate a new one.
Once the simulation has taken place, the next step is to generate the simulated PM actions. The generation of new PM actions depends on how they were simulated (described above).
Once the generation is complete, the ID of the generated PM action will be displayed against the standard job.
In addition, the standard jobs will be displayed on the Jobs tab of the Separate PM Action and Route PM Action windows. The job program ID and revision will be displayed against the standard jobs that have a connection to them.
Note: You cannot generate both separate and route PM actions together. The generation procedure has to be executed individually for each PM action type.