Define Storage Volume Requirement

[About Inventory Putaway] [To Maintain Inventory


Use this dialog box to define the storage requirements for a part. Note that this dialog box could be used either for a group of parts, a part catalog record or an inventory part.

The volume requirement for a part is defined by stating how many parts can be stored in a defined inventory location. This is then generalized to the quantity per volume UoM that is used for stating the dimensions of the inventory location.

So for an inventory location, the volume capacity is either calculated as width x height x depth of the location, or is manually entered. Then the volume requirement for a part is defined by stating how many parts can be stored in a location with that volume.

Also note that when defining the storage volume requirement for a part or group of parts and that part or group of parts does not have dimensions defined (width, height and depth requirement are set to NULL), these NULL values will be set to 0 after returning from the dialog box. In general, a NULL value indicates an unlimited value (length unknown) and 0 indicates that the dimension in question is not of importance (the part will always fit). If a dimension is given, the value is kept as it is. The reason for this behavior is that the volume per location is given by it's dimensions which will mean that a location with volume defined is not able to store parts with a storage requirement for dimensions set to NULL.

Activity Diagrams

BDR enter part


Enter storage requirements
Define storage requirement groups