Lot Batch Master

[About Part Serial Handling] [About Tracking Parts] [About Lot/Batch Tracking] [About Condition Codes] [To Maintain Inventory]


Use this window to view information about lot/batch masters. From this window, you can open the Change Condition Code dialog box to change the condition code for the lot/batch for parts that have condition code functionality enabled. Note that if the parts are also serial-tracked, you cannot change the condition code on the lot/batch. You can change the condition code on the serial record in the Part Serial.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Detail, History, Sub Lot, Where Used, Part Certificates (if IFS/Part Certificates is installed) and Inventory Part in Stock.

Activity Diagrams

BDR enter part
BDR for purchased inventory part
BDR for manufactured inventory part


Change condition code