DOP Events in Event Server

Several events triggered by the event server can be defined in the DOP module. The set up for the events can be done in the Admin Tool. For example, when an event occurs, a mail or an SMS message can be sent. In the DOP module, the following events are defined:

Components Become Available

When all components that are necessary for a DOP Order becomes available, an event in the event server is triggered.

Generate Alarm

When an alarm is generated, an event in the event server is triggered.

Automatic DOP Release

When a DOP header is created automatically when releasing a customer order, an event in the event server is triggered.

Generate DOP Log

When an DOP Log entry is created, an event in the event server is triggered. A DOP log is created by following reasons:

  1. When trying to create a DOP Order where the part is serial effective and no serial numbers have been reserved.
  2. When trying to release a DOP order where the part is serial effective and no serial numbers have been reserved.
  3. When creating a DOP order where the routing for the part is serial effective and no serial numbers have been reserved.
  4. When creating a DOP order where no plannable or buildable routing exist for the part.
  5. When trying to release a DOP order where the connected routing is not in status Buildable.