The table below describes the different messages sent from the PMRP system:
Message | Description |
Available Covers | There are enough open orders and inventory on hand to cover gross requirements and safety stock. |
Available <Safe Stock | Not available. The inventory on hand is less than the safety stock. |
Bad Cost Info | There is not enough costing information to run PMRP for the part. It is planned lot for lot instead. This message is only valid for parts with the planning method E or F. Process the part as planning method A. |
Bad Purchase Info | No purchasing information. There is no information for the purchase part, and therefore no purchasing requisition was generated. |
Early Order | The order needs to be rescheduled to a later date. The due date of the order falls earlier than the due date of the part. |
Excess of Orders | The total sum of the inventory on hand and the open supply exceeds the gross requirement and the safety stock quantity. |
Late Order | The order needs to be rescheduled to an earlier date. The due date of the order falls after the due date of the part. |
Min Order Qty > Lot Size | Minimum is greater than the lot size. The lot size of the order is less than the minimum lot size, so the minimum lot size must be used. |
Need Orders | The sum of the existing orders and beginning inventory on hand does not cover the current demand. More orders are needed. |
No Alternate | No revision alternative exists for the structure. No shop order requisition was generated. |
No Demand Exists | No demand exists for the structure. |
Not Buildable | The manufacturing structure is not buildable or plannable. No shop order requisition was generated. |
Order > Max Lot Size | The order is greater than the maximum lot size. The lot size of the firm planned shop order or PO requisition is greater than the maximum allowed lot size. |
Order After Horizon | The due date of the order falls outside the end date of the calendar. |
Order Cover Time is 0 | The part has been defined with planning method G but the order cover time is set to 0. Planning method G requires order cover time value > 0. |
Order Not Multiple | The part has been defined with planning method D but the planned supply quantity is not a multiple of the multiple order quantity setting which is defined in Inventory. |
Over Supply | The current date the existing open orders quantity exceed the net requirement quantity. |
Part Type Problem | Created only for purchased raw materials. The demand for this part type was not broken down into components. |
Phantom Orders | There is an order for a phantom part. |
Plan Supply Past Due | The due date of PMRP planned supply is before the PMRP execution date. |
Remove Order | MRP suggests that the user should remove or cancel the order because MRP found it causes excess in inventory. |
Scrap Factor Problem | The scrapping factor is 100% or greater and the scrapping was not done. |
Stock expired, demand exists | The beginning quantity on hand is enough to cover demand for the date, but a shortage situation may exist. This is because the expiration date for part of the quantity in stock is earlier than demand date. You should either scrap the expired inventory or change the expiration date for a real supply situation before your next PMRP run. This message is displayed only if the part has beginning on hand inventory greater than zero. Supply requisition requirements do not exclude expired inventory from the available inventory. |
Supply is Past Due | The due date of the order falls before today's date. |