Release Branch


Use this function to release a specific branch manually.


This activity requires that the DOP order has a status of either Unreleased or Netted. If any DOP orders in the structure to release are serial effective, serial numbers must be reserved for these DOP orders.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system releases the selected branch. The status will be changed to Released, which will allow you to further process the DOP order. Pegged orders or requisitions are created in order to meet the remaining demand.

When releasing pegged, project-specific DOP orders, the system will generate project-specific shop orders or purchase requisitions/purchase orders depending on the part type. These orders will be received into project inventory. 

A check is done before release to see if the routing is buildable or null. If the routing still is plannable or has become obsolete a DOP log is created.


DOP Order

Related Window Descriptions

DOP Order
DOP Order/Detail


  1. Select the DOP order for the branch you want to release.
  2. Select Release Branch via the right mouse button.
  3. Select Yes in answer to "Do you want to release this branch?" in the pop-up dialog.