Release Maintenance Order


This activity is used to release a maintenance order. This is done when the planned maintenance order is ready for its maintenance visit. When a maintenance order is released, the work can be started.

When a maintenance order is in the Released status it is possible to:


The following prerequisites are only valid if the maintenance order or the tasks on the maintenance order are connected to a service quotation:

System Effects

The following system effects are only valid if the maintenance order is connected to a service quotation:


Maintenance Order

Related Window Descriptions

Release Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order/Order


  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and search for the necessary maintenance order.
  2. Right-click, point to Status, and then click Release. The Release Maintenance Order dialog box opens.
  3. In the Release Date field, the system date is displayed automatically. You can change the default date if needed, provided that the new date is not in the future.
  4. Select the Update Sign Off Requirements check box if you want the sign off requirements on the maintenance order to be updated automatically.
  5. Select the Create Snapshot of Maintenance Order check box if you want a snapshot of the maintenance order to be taken upon releasing.
  6. In the Snapshot Description field, you can enter any additional information relevant to the snapshot.
  7. Click OK.