Invoicing Plan

[Project Reporting]


Use this window to register an invoicing plan for a project. Invoicing plans are used to schedule fixed amount invoices. You have to manually create the invoice from a plan. Select the plan and use the right mouse button to create the invoice. When creating the invoice, all invoiceable transactions within the date interval, on the same sub project as the plan, will be included on the invoice. Invoiced transactions are marked with a rhomb on each line.

Functions that are available in this window section, which can be reached by the right mouse button or Operations menu.

Create Invoicing Plan: With this command you can create several invoicing plan rows for a project that have costs that should be invoiced regularly.

Clear Selection: Use this command to unmark all your choices that you have done.

Select All: With this command you can mark all rows in the window.

Create Invoice: Use this command for creation of project invoice based on the selected lines. You can also add normal time and cost transactions to the invoice.

Project Invoice: This command is used for see project invoice and posting (accounting) details for the current line.

Activity Diagrams

Register Project Specific Basic Data
Project Work in Progress


Estimate Work In Progress for Uninvoiced Invoice Plans