There are 4 columns for dates on the purchase order line, the 2 first ones are very relevant for the inventory personnel and the other 2 very important when communicating with the supplier.
Planned Receipt Date: This is the date when the already inspected parts are expected to be in our stock location (picking location for inventory parts).
At the early life of the purchase order it indicates the desired or wanted receipt date, which is ask by the demanding department, e.g. manufacturing, sales, maintenance, etc…At a later stage, it will represent when we expect the parts to be in our stock, maybe derived from a confirmed delivery date from the supplier. It is no longer the original wanted receipt date.
When entering a new line manually, this column inherits the date entered in the PO header. This date can be changed manually, directly in this column. Any manual changes are logged in the purchase order line history.
This date must be a working day, according to the site’s distribution calendar, unless the demand code of the order line is Internal Purchase Direct or Purchase Order Direct, then it is allowed to have a non-working day.
Planned Delivery Date: This is the date we expect the supplier to deliver the parts to the agreed location, the delivery address of the line, (regardless what he/she has promised). The difference with the planned receipt date is that here the parts are not in our stock yet. It can be a non-working day.
At the early life of the purchase order we assume that it is the same as our wanted delivery date. At a later stage, it will represent when we expect the parts to be delivered to the agreed location, maybe derived from an order confirmation from the supplier. It is no longer the original wanted delivery date. Any changes are logged in the purchase order line history.
Wanted Delivery Date: This is the date we ask the supplier to deliver to the agreed location (which is the delivery address of the line). This date is the date, which will be printed on documents and sent to the supplier. It can be a non-working day.
Usually it is derived from the Planned Receipt date. The formula for calculating the wanted delivery date is the
following: Wanted Delivery Date = Planned Receipt Date - Internal Transport Lead Time - Internal Inspection Lead Time.
The internal transport lead time is counted in calendar days and is retrieved from the supply chain matrix for supplier. The
internal inspection lead time is counted in working days and is specified for the specific combination of supplier and purchase
part. If the calculation results in a planned receipt date that is a non-working day, the system moves the date planned receipt
date forward to the first available working day.
But you can change manually this date, directly in this column, e.g. when you want to coordinate several deliveries from the
same supplier. Any changes are logged in the purchase order line history.
If delivery patterns are used, the wanted delivery
date will be adjusted to be a delivery day of the pattern.
Promised Delivery Date: This is the date that the supplier has agreed or confirmed to deliver to the agreed location.
At the early life of the purchase order we assume that it is the same as our wanted delivery date. At a later stage, after
receiving the order confirmation, it will represent when the supplier has promised to deliver the parts to the agreed
The supplier might confirm the wanted delivery date or another date; this is done using the option menu Confirm
with differences in the order header. You cannot change manually this column. Any changes are logged in the purchase order line
When changing one date field, whether the other date fields are updated or not depends on status of the purchase order line. The purchase order line can have the following statuses:
The Planned Receipt Date is inherited from the order header or it is derived from a purchase requisition or another system object. The buyer can also modify this field manually. For him/her this is a wanted receipt date. The rest of the dates are calculated backwards, using two lead time components. The dates will be calculated as follows
If the update of the dates happens when the Printed check box is ticked, a new revision shall be created.
This can be the case when the buyer wants to coordinate several deliveries. In this situation, the inventory personnel are not making the changes (if it is so, he/she would change the Planned Receipt Date instead). The rest of the dates will be calculated as follows:
If the update of the dates happens when the Printed check box is ticked, a new revision is created.
It is not possible to update this column manually. This is performed with the menu option in the order header "Confirm with Differences". When the supplier confirms the line, he/she might promise a different date than the one the buyer asked for (which is the Wanted Delivery Date). This shall happen:
In some cases, it is needed to update the planned delivery date, because we know that the supplier is delayed, e.g., the wanted delivery date has already passed. We do not want to change the wanted date, to be able to keep track of it. When updating the Planned Delivery Date, the rest of the dates will be calculated as follows:
If the update of the dates happens when the Printed check box is ticked, a new revision is created.
If the user updates either the inspection time or receive case, the recalculated dates will be considered for updating based on whether the user selects this date as the steering date. (This is the date the user decides should remain the same on saving a Purchase order line)
It is possible to make changes after the order has been confirmed by the supplier. This might happen because:
Here the inventory personnel requires a new wanted receipt date, this change is originated by the demanding department, e.g., production unit. Complete new dates are desired here. We want to start from the beginning with the order line. It is supposed that the buyer will re-send the PO to the supplier. The order might have been printed or not. We recommend printing the order before the updating, so that a new revision is created, to be sure that the latest valid data is sent to the supplier. The dates shall be updated as follows
The status of the line goes back to released. A new revision is created only if the Printed check box is active.
This can be the case when the buyer wants to coordinate several deliveries, e.g., to reduce transportation costs. In this case, the inventory personnel are not making the changes. Complete new dates are desired here. Here it is supposed that the buyer wants to re-send the PO to the supplier. The order might have been printed or not. We recommend printing the order before the updating, so that a new revision is created, to be sure that the latest valid data is sent to the supplier. When changing the Wanted Delivery Date it works as follows:
The status of the line goes back to released. A new revision is created only if the Printed check box is active.
This can be the case when the supplier is sending a new (second, third,...) confirmation. This shall be performed with the function Confirm with Differences. It works as follows:
The status of the order does not go back to released, it stays confirmed. Regardless of the Printed check box, no new revision is created, since we are not going to re-send the order to the supplier.
In some cases, even when the supplier has confirmed the order, it is needed to update the planned delivery date, because we know that the supplier is delayed, we don't rely in the date he/she promised and still we want to give more accurate information to the personnel in inventory. When updating the Planned Delivery Date, the rest of the dates will be calculated as follows:
The status stays Confirmed. No new revision is created regardless the Printed check box.
If the user updates either the inspection time or receive case, the recalculated dates will be considered for updating based on whether the user selects this date as the steering date. (This is the date the user decides should remain the same on saving a Purchase order line)
A partial arrival or a partial receipt is when Quantity Arrived < Quantity Ordered. The status of the order line is arrived when the parts arrived from the supplier are in an arrival location or are non-inventory parts received into arrival for inspection. The status of the order line is received when the parts arrived from the supplier are in a picking location or are non-inventory parts received into arrival without inspection as well as no-parts received into arrival with or without inspection.
The buyer might want to enter a new date for the parts that still have not arrived from the supplier (who has done a partial delivery). Here the system is only supporting the quantity left to be delivered by the supplier.
Note: for better tracking, the buyer can split the PO line in 2, so that the arrived quantity keeps its dates and the new negotiated dates are in a separate line.
The demanding department, e.g. production unit, requires a new wanted receipt date for the rest quantity. Complete new dates are desired. It is supposed that the buyer wants to re-send the order to the supplier. The order might have been printed or not. We recommend printing the order before the updating, so that a new revision is created, to be sure that the latest valid data is sent to the supplier. The dates shall be updated as follows:
The line status stays Arrived respectively Received. A new revision is created only if the Printed check box is active.
The buyer decides to communicate a new wanted delivery date to the supplier. Complete new dates shall be calculated for the rest quantity. It shall work as follows:
Again, here it is supposed that the buyer wants to re-send the PO to the supplier. The order might have been printed or not. We recommend printing the order before the updating, so that a new revision is created, to be sure that the latest valid data is sent to the supplier.
The line status stays Arrived respectively Received. A new revision is created only if the Printed check box is active.
This shall be performed with the menu function Confirm with Differences. This is a new confirmation for the quantity the supplier still has not delivered yet.
No new revision is created and the status stays Arrived.
The supplier has delivered partially. We have a promised delivery date from him, but we do not rely on that date. Therefore, we want to update the Planned Delivery Date in order to make the inventory supply data more realistic. When our buyer enters a new estimation for the delivery date, the dates will be calculated as follows:
The status does not change and no new revision is created.
If the user updates either the inspection time or receive case, the recalculated dates will be considered for updating based on whether the user selects this date as the steering date. (This is the date the user decides should remain the same on saving a Purchase order line)
In this case the supplier has delivered the full quantity: Quantity Arrived = Quantity Ordered and Quantity at Dock > 0.
The order has status arrived, when all inventory parts are in an arrival location. But the order can also have the status received, when some of the inventory parts are already in a picking location and the rest in arrival. Non-inventory parts have status arrived when they are fully received into arrival for inspection. No-parts have status received when they are fully received into arrival for inspection.
Any reopened line receives status received. When a new inspection is required, the line must be reopened first and a qty to inspect entered for the receipt.
In all above cases, since the parts are already in our premises, it is only possible to update the Planned Receipt Date, e.g. because a change in the inspection time or a delay in the internal transport. It is important to inform the personnel in inventory that the parts might be available for picking later than expected.
No new revision is created and the status stays Arrived or Received.
It is not allowed. No changes shall take place.
It is not allowed. No changes shall take place.
It is not allowed. No changes shall take place.
If the user updates either the inspection time or receive case, the recalculated dates will be considered for updating based on whether the user selects this date as the steering date. (This is the date the user decides should remain the same on saving a Purchase order line)
The dates will be calculated as when the order status is released. A new revision is created only if the Printed check box is active. The status does not change.
When the order line has status cancelled or closed, no changes are allowed. This also applies to a reopened line in status Received, where no qty for inspection exists.