Enter Preposting, Purchase Order Line


Whenever a financial transaction takes place in the system the postings concerning it are created by the predefined posting types and rules defined in IFS/Accounting Rules. This means that you do not have to do anything manually as long as you have defined your rules correctly.

However, sometimes you want to decide a code part value, depending on specific purchase order information, i.e., you choose not to decide a rule for this code part for all posting types affected or it is not possible to decide a rule. In these cases, you must manually establish the relationship between the code part and the purchase order line by entering a preposting connected to the purchase order line. The code part value that you enter as a preposting for the purchase line will then affect several postings created for this purchase line. One example where preposting is used is customer orders where you often want the postings to include a specific project in the code part project for all postings concerning the selling. Another example is a purchase order where you want the postings for purchasing to charge a specific cost center.

The postings that will be affected by the preposting are generally all postings concerning expenses, revenues, and WIP. This is determined on Business Event/Posting Info window, where you can see whether a posting for a specific system event is affected by the pre-posting on the purchase order line, or not. Note that pre-posting will generally not affect the inventory cost postings (M1 posting). Pre-posting will be used when posting transactions registered for non-inventory parts, no-number parts and eventually overheads. An exception to this are transactions related to material connected to a project. When mandatory pre-posting is set up for posting type M102 this implies that only non-inventory parts will be considered.

Basic financial data and sets of rules for IFS Applications are managed in the IFS/Accounting Rules. Besides the regular rules you also have to define whether you want to use the preposting functionality in IFS/Accounting Rules. This is done by entering a specific posting type for each order type (see Prerequisites) and what code parts for which it should be possible to enter preposting.

If you try to enter a preposting for a purchase order line and have not defined the use of preposting in IFS /Accounting Rules you will receive a message that tells you that preposting is not entered for this order type in the posting control. Initiate the preposting function in the Posting Control. Indicate the appropriate posting type for the code parts you intend to alter.

The preposting can either be entered on the header or the line. The advantage of using the preposting on the header is that the preposting value is valid for the lines as well. However, this assumes the lines are added afterwards. If both header and lines are already entered, you must do the preposting on each line.

To simplify the reading of the necessary procedure (below), note that there are two different procedures available for prepostings in the Purchase Order and in the Purchase Order Lines windows.


System Effects

A relationship is established between the code part and the purchase order line by entering a preposting connected to the purchase order line. The code part value that you enter as a preposting for the purchase order line will then affect several postings created for this purchase order line. The postings that will be affected by the pre-posting are generally all postings concerning expenses, revenues, and WIP. A record will be created in the line history to indicate that preposting was changed. Postings for non-inventory parts and no-number parts will be affected. The postings for inventory parts will not be affected unless they are connected to a project.


Purchase Order, Purchase Order Lines

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Order, Purchase Order/Part Order Lines, Purchase Order/No Part Order Lines, Purchase Order Lines, Pre Posting, Pre Posting/Posting


Initiate preposting in IFS/Accounting Rules.

  1. Open the Posting Control and select New.
  2. Either enter the posting type or use the List of Values to indicate it.
  3. Either enter the code part on which you want to perform preposting or indicate it by using the List of Values.
  4. Either enter the appropriate control type or use the List of Values to indicate it.
  5. You can optionally indicate a default value for the control type.
  6. Save when completed.

Enter preposting on the line.

  1. Select the line on which you want to make a preposting.
  2. Click Pre Posting Order Line in the Operations menu.
  3. Click the Posting tab in the Pre Posting dialog box.
  4. Click List to indicate the code part value. Click OK to confirm.

Enter preposting in the Purchase Order Lines window.

  1. Populate or query for the purchase order for which you want to make a preposting.
  2. Select the order line for which you want to make a pre-posting.
  3. Right-click and then click Pre Posting.
  4. Click the Posting tab in the Pre Posting dialog box.
  5. Click List to indicate the code part value. Click OK to confirm.