Enter Supplier Assortment Info


By using supplier assortment, you can define the supplier assortment to which the purchase part belongs. The supplier assortment is specific to the combination of purchase part and supplier, as opposed to purchase group, which is purchase part specific. By this connection, the discounts and additional costs can be defined for a combination of supplier and purchase part. This is later used in supplier agreements.

Through supplier assortment step pricing, connected to the supplier agreement, you can specify whether you receive a larger discount and/or a smaller additional cost when you purchase more from the same supplier. Cumulative values for your purchases will be stored in connection to the supplier assortment step pricing.

By using the supplier assortment concept, you can use the same purchase part (and inventory part) and still enter different discounts and additional costs when purchasing from different suppliers. Supplier assortment is a control type in the posting control.


System Effects

The supplier assortment entered here makes it possible to enter discounts and additional costs on a supplier agreement, based on the supplier assortment for the part.


Supplier for Purchase Part

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier for Purchase Part
Supplier for Purchase Part/General


  1. Select the General tab.
  2. Enter the short code for the supplier assortment in the Supplier Assortment field, either manually or by using List of Values. The description will be filled in automatically.
  3. Save.