Cancel Entire Purchase Order or Line


You can cancel an entire purchase order by choosing Cancel Order from the Operations menu (or Cancel from the Operations menu in the upper part of the window). To cancel an order line, you must select the appropriate order line and choose Cancel from the Operations menu in the lower part of the window. 

If any of the purchase order lines originates from a purchase requisition, you have to decide whether the corresponding requisition lines should be re-opened. 

If the requisition lines originates from IFS/Project or IFS/Project Delivery, the requisition lines will be automatically re-opened when the purchase order is cancelled. A message will be displayed at any of the following occurrences:

If the purchase order line is an MRO line (demand code MRO), the connection between the work order and the purchase order is removed when canceling the line.


System Effects


Purchase Order
Purchase Orders
MRO Object Receive Order

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Order
Purchase Order/Part Order Lines
Purchase Order/No Part Order Lines
Purchase Order/Misc Order Info
Purchase Orders
MRO Object Receive Order
CRO Material Receive Order


Cancel an entire purchase order.

  1. Populate or query for the appropriate purchase order.
  2. Select Cancel Order in the Operations menu (Cancel in the Operations menu in the upper part of the window.).
  3. A Cancel dialog is displayed, where you may enter a cancellation reason. Valid cancellation reasons can be found by clicking the List button. The cancellation reason will be saved on the order header, and can later be used for statistical and clean up purposes.
  4. A new message is displayed asking you whether you want to reopen corresponding requisition lines, if any exist. Answer Yes or No, depending on whether you want the requisition lines reopened.

Cancel a purchase order line.

  1. Populate or query for the appropriate purchase order.
  2. Select the order line in question.
  3. Choose Cancel from the right mouse button menu in the lower part of the window.
  4. A Cancel dialog is displayed, where you may enter a cancellation reason. Valid cancellation reasons can be found by clicking the List button. The cancellation reason will be saved on the order line, and can later be used for statistical and clean up purposes.
  5. A new message is displayed asking you whether you want to reopen the requisition line, if the purchase order line originated from a purchase requisition. Answer Yes or No, depending on whether you want the requisition line reopened.