Enter Agreement Quotation Data


In the Agreement Quotation window, enter the quotation replies received for the supplier agreement requests. The supplier agreement request contains information needed to create a supplier agreement with the supplier, and refers to recurring purchases for a particular time period.

When the supplier has received a request for a quotation, he returns a quotation that includes the data requested. Once you receive the quotation from the supplier, enter the received data in this window. Enter the price quotation, any discounts, and additional costs for each supplier. If the supplier has specified a ship via code other than the one requested or if the supplier has stated a ship via code in the quotation, you can enter that particular ship via code. When you have entered the quotation details, the quotation receives the Answered status and can be selected in the Agreement Quotation Approval window.


System Effects


Agreement Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Agreement Quotation
Agreement Quotation/Part Quotation Lines

Agreement Quotation/Assortment Quotation Lines


  1. Query for the appropriate request number, and select the supplier from the Request No list.
  2. In the Date Received field, indicate the arrival date of the quotation.
  3. Save when completed.

Enter part quotation data:

  1. Click the Part Quotation Lines tab.
  2. The Line No field displays the line number of the quotation. The Part No and Description fields display the part and the description of the part.
  3. In the Price field, enter the offered price and the unit the supplier has stated in the Price U/M field.
  4. In the Price Conv Factor field, enter the conversion factor between the purchase unit and the price unit. (Price Unit = Purchase Unit of Measure/Price Conversion Factor)
  5. In the Discount and Additional Cost fields, enter any discount or additional cost. The discount is entered as a percentage, and the additional cost in the supplier's currency.
  6. Repeat steps 5 through 8 for each part quotation reply.
  7. Save when completed.

Enter supplier assortment quotation data:

  1. Click the Assortment Quotation Lines tab.
  2. The Line No field displays the line number of the quotation. The Supplier Assortment and Supplier Assortment Description fields display the assortment and the description of the supplier assortment.
  3. In the Discount and Additional Cost fields, enter any discount or additional cost. The discount is entered as a percentage, and the additional cost in the supplier's currency.
  4. Repeat steps 12 and 13 for each supplier assortment quotation reply.
  5. Save when completed.