Enter No-Number Part Line, Order RFQ


The request for quotation consists of two levels: a request header and one or more request lines. The lines are divided into two tabs. Enter purchase parts in one and no-number parts in the other. Order request lines for no-number parts are entered in the No Part Request Lines tab.

If a request has been initialized in IFS/Project or IFS/Project Delivery, the lines in the project quotation list without a part number will be converted to no-number part lines in the order request.


System Effects

The desired no-number parts are connected to the request for quotation.


Request for Order Quotation

Related Window Descriptions

Request for Order Quotation
Request for Order Quotation
No Part Request Lines


  1. Populate or query for the appropriate request for order quotation.
  2. Select the No Part Request Lines tab for the desired supplier agreement quotation.
  3. Select New.
  4. Enter the description, quantity, purchase unit of measure, and the wanted delivery date in the corresponding columns.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all the no-number parts that you want to include.
  6. Save when completed.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):