Convert Purchase Requisition to Purchase Order


A purchase requisition can be converted to a purchase order by selecting Requisition to Order in the Operations menu. Note that all the requisition lines to be converted must be selected.

When you convert a requisition to a purchase order, you have three options: you can let the system add requisition lines to the first available purchase order(s), add requisition lines to a given purchase order, or create a new purchase order. However, if no appropriate purchase order exists, the system creates a new purchase order. You can only choose between creating a new order, or letting the system automatically pick which existing order should be used when the requisition has several lines with different suppliers.

Note that if a purchase order change order exists for the purchase order to which you are trying to add the requisition line, the line will instead be added to the change order and then when the change order is processed, the changes will update the purchase order. The status of the purchase requisition line will then be updated to Change Order Created and then go to PO Created when the change order is processed.

Requisitions created from the customer order module are directly related to a specific customer order. A purchase from a customer order can concern two different supply codes: Purchase Order Direct and Purchase Order Transit.

Unique purchase orders will be created for requisition lines connected to projects which have the Project Unique Procurement check box selected in the Misc Order Info tab. These requisition lines cannot be connected to purchase orders which have a different project ID specified in the purchase order header, or if the purchase order contains lines connected to projects which are different from the one specified on the requisition line.


System Effects

  1. If the wanted delivery date falls on a day which is a delivery day, the system keeps the wanted receipt date.
  2. If the wanted delivery date is not on a delivery day, replace it with the previous working day.
  3. If the new, wanted delivery date is not on a delivery day, go to step 2.


Purchase Requisition
Purchase Requisition Lines

Related Window Descriptions

Requisition To Order Parameters
Purchase Requisition
Purchase Requisition/Part Requisition Lines
Purchase Requisition/No Part Requisition Lines
Purchase Requisition Lines


  1. Populate or query for the appropriate requisition.
  2. Select the requisition lines you want.
  3. Select Requisition to Order in the Operations menu; the Requisition to Order Parameters dialog box will open.
  4. The coordinator appears automatically if the coordinator is connected to your user ID; otherwise, you must manually select a coordinator by using the List of Values. The default coordinator can be changed.
  5. The buyer is retrieved from the purchase part; if a buyer is not connected to the purchase part, it is retrieved from the supplier. However, if you are working with several suppliers on the requisition, a buyer is not indicated by default. Either use the list to manually indicate a buyer, or select the Use Default Buyer Code from Supplier check box. You can use these options even if a default buyer appears automatically.
  6. Depending on the conditions, you can choose from the following three options.
  1. A message appears indicating the purchase order number. Click OK to confirm, and the purchase order(s) will be created.

Note: When you work with several suppliers, you can only choose between letting the system automatically select appropriate purchase orders, or creating new purchase orders.