Specify Supplier


The Supplier column automatically indicates the supplier that is entered as the primary supplier of this part. You can add or change the primary supplier for the purchase part by using Supplier for Part… in the Operations menu.

You can change the supplier by using the List of Values if several suppliers are defined for the part. If there are suppliers connected to the part but none is set as primary, you can select from among them by using the List of Values.

If no supplier at all is connected to the part, you must connect one in Supplier for Purchase Part.


System Effects

Depending on the action, three different system effects can occur.


Purchase Requisition Purchase Requisition Lines

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Requisition, Purchase Requisition/Part Requisition Lines, Purchase Requisition Lines


When you enter a new requisition line, or when the requisition line is already entered:

  1. Change a supplier by using the List of Values in the Supplier column. If the purchase part only has a primary supplier, use Supplier for Part… in the Operations menu to add a supplier. If no supplier is connected, connect a primary supplier in the Supplier for Purchase Part.
  2. Save when completed.

Optional steps (remember to save your entries):