A detailed description of the progress methods is given below.
The values for the Calculated Cost Progress and the Calculated Hours Progress fields are calculated by dividing the elapsed days by the original duration of the activity. If the system date is after the early finish, the progress is 100.00% and if the system date is before the early start, the progress is 0.00%. The duration progress will be updated only after the activity is released. Progress from the connected objects is ignored. The progress is calculated top – down and it will be the same as the Calculated Cost Progress on the PCE line level.
The values in the Calculated Cost Progress and Calculated Hours Progress fields are based on the progress value which is entered manually, i.e. the manual progress will be copied as the calculated progress for the activity. All connected objects are ignored. The progress is calculated top – down and it will be the same as the Calculated Cost Progress on the PCE line level.
The values in the Calculated Cost Progress and Calculated Hours Progress fields are based on the progress on the currently selected progress template step. The progress is calculated top – down and it will be the same as the Calculated Cost Progress on the PCE line level.
The values in the Calculated Cost Progress and Calculated Hours Progress fields are based on the average of all connected objects. The progress is calculated as the sum of Earned Value divided by the sum of Planned or Baseline Value for the activity (bottom – up). Using Planned or Baseline Values are defined by the Progress Method set on the project.
The following object types may report Earned Value for cost and/or hours.
Active Separate Work Order/Historical Separate Work Order
Active Round Work Order/Historical Round Work Order
Document Package
Plant Design Object
Change Order
Project Miscellaneous
Direct Issue from Inventory
Purchase Order Line Part (or No Part)
Shop Order
DOP Header
Requirement Activity (Project Delivery)
Customer Order Line
Activity Resources/Project Transaction
Inventory Transfer
The following objects do not have any impact on progress.
Activity Estimate
Purchase Requisition Line
Material Requisition Line
Shop Order Requisition Line
Voucher Row
General Ledger Voucher Row
In general the earned value and progress is calculated as follows:
Work progress is captured at the lowest line level of each object.
Earned Value is calculated as Work Progress * Planed or Baseline values on the lowest line level.
Earned Value is summed up to Project Cost Element level.
Progress per Project Cost Element is calculated as Earned Value/Planned or Baseline values.
Progress per object is calculated as the sum of Earned Value/the sum of Planned or Baseline values for the object.
Calculated Cost Progress and Calculated Hours Progress are calculated as the sum of Earned Value/the sum of Planned or Baseline values for all objects connected to the activity.
Note: Work progress is physical progress (e.g. qty arrived/delivered/issued/complete compared to P/B qty) or using a status/template to define progress steps.
The Earned Value and progress is calculated as,
- Earned Value = Work progress on the task line * Planned/Baseline cost/hours per Project Cost Element.
- Task progress = sum Earned Value/sum Planned or Baseline value.
The Tasks Weighted Progress field on the Project Navigator/Activity/task tab is calculated as follows.
It is the weighted progress of all the tasks connected to the activity. The progress of each task is weighted based on its value for Planned Hours.
In detail it can be given as follows: The planned hours for each task is multiplied by its task progress, and the resulting values for all the tasks are added together. This sum is then divided by the total planned hours for all the tasks, and the value is presented as a percentage. Tasks that do not have planned hours are weighted proportionally depending on the total number of tasks, for example if one task of four has no planned hours it is worth 25%.
Earned value and progress from a Work Order is reported from Operations, Tools and Facilities, Material Requisitions and the Purchase flow (Purchase Requisition created from a WO). For the purchase flow the planned values are saved on the PR line and inherited to the PO line.
- Work Progress is calculated.
For operations as reported hours/planned hours.
For Tools and Facilities as reported hours/planned hours.
For Material Requisitions as issued qty/planned qty.
For purchase flow as Received quantity/Required quantity.
Earned Value is calculated as work progress * Planned or Baseline cost or hours per line and summed up per Project Cost Element.- Purchase Order progress = sum Earned Value/sum Planned or Baseline value.
- Work Progress is saved on the Document Package line. The progress is taken from Milestone Template/Milestone Number. Earned Value is calculated as work progress * Planned/Baseline cost/hours per line and summed up per Project Cost Element.
- Document Package progress = sum of Earned Value/sum of Planned or Baseline value.
- Work Progress is saved on Design object manually. Earned Value is calculated as work progress * Planned/Baseline cost/hours per Project Cost Element.
- Design Object progress = sum Earned Value/sum Planned or Baseline value.
- Work Progress is saved in the Progress field of each Change Order Action line. Earned Value is calculated as work progress * Planned or Baseline cost or hours per line and summed up on each Project Cost Element.
- Change Order progress = sum Earned Value/sum Planned or Baseline value.
- Work Progress is calculated as Received quantity/Required quantity or by using milestones on the purchase order line. If manual issues are made they are taken into consideration. Earned Value is calculated as work progress * Planned or Baseline cost or hours per line and summed up per Project Cost Element on the Misc Demand line.
- Purchase Order progress = sum Earned Value/sum Planned or Baseline value.
- Work progress is calculated at each operation and material line. For operations it is calculated as reported hours/planned hours or quantity complete. For material it is calculated as issued quantity/planned quantity. Earned Value is calculated as work progress * planned value per line and summed up to each Project Cost Element on the Misc Demand line.
- Shop Order progress = sum Earned Value/sum Planned or Baseline value.
- Work progress is calculated at each connected object (SO/PO/MTR), Since there is no direct connection between the PMRP demands and the connected objects each object will report Earned value. The Earned Value will be summed up on activity level and the progress will be calculated there.
- Work progress is calculated at each connected object (SO/PO). Earned Value will be calculated for each object and summed up on each DOP Order Header and saved on the Misc Demand line.
- Earned Value is calculated at each connected object (SO/PO) and summed up at requirement activity level. Progress will be calculated based on the Earned Value and they are mapped to the relevant Project Cost Elements. For PMRP planned items work progress is calculated at each connected object (SO/PO/MTR). Since there is no direct connection between the PMRP demands and the connected objects, each object will report Earned Value. The Earned Value will be summed up on activity level and the progress will be calculated.
- Work progress is calculated for each connected object (through the selected Supply option). Earned Value will be calculated for each object and summed up per Project Cost Elements: Sales overhead will be reported when the CO-line is delivered.
- Work progress is retrieved either from the Progress field on the Activity Resource line or from the Hours Used field (used hours from the Project Transaction). Earned Value will be calculated for each line as Work Progress * Planned or Baseline values.
- Work progress is retrieved as 100% of the transaction. Earned Value is calculated as Work Progress * Used Cost on the transaction. It is possible to choose if the Inventory Transaction should report Earned Value or not.