The integration to Primavera Project Management enables the possibility of exchanging information between IFS Applications and the Primavera Project Management module. The integration can go in both directions, that is either an IFS project can be exported to Primavera or a Primavera project can be imported to an IFS project. All information necessary for planning purposes is handled by the integration such as project information, the sub project structure, activities, resources, calendar, dependencies and constraints. In addition, for each export or import, it can be configured if certain data types should be transferred.
The following is a description of the exact fields and data types that are integrated between IFS Applications and Primavera. This document is divided into two sections: Export and Import, each section is then divided into basic data integration and project data integration.
The Project Management module of Primavera is required, consisting of a database and server installation as well as client installations. In addition, the integration API from Primavera is required. The Primavera user IDs that will be used in the integration must have licensing access to the integration API as well as to the Project Management module.
The Project Management module of Primavera
is referred to as Primavera and IFS Applications is referred to as IFS in this document.
Basic data for the calendar and resources are exported from the Integration Configuration/Basic Data Integration tab. This data must exist in Primavera before it can be assigned to a Primavera project though a project integration.
It is possible to export single calendars as well as all resource calendars
assigned to the resources in a defined resource company. Calendar information is
required to be defined in the Integration Setup/Integration Calendar Setup
If there is a value in the Calendar field in the integration
configuration for an export, that calendar will be created or updated in
Primavera. If the Resource Calendar check box is selected in the
integration configuration (if there is a value in Resources Company
field), then the related resource calendars will be created or updated in
Primavera. The following fields are created or updated in Primavera when
Calendars are exported:
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Calendar ID | Calendar Name | Calendars are created as global calendars in Primavera. |
Base Schedule | Workweek | IFS calendars can have several schedules which are valid for different periods. The value for Base Schedule in the Calendar Setup tab updates the Primavera calendar workweek. |
Schedule Exceptions | The IFS schedule exceptions data is applied to the Primavera calendar. | |
Secondary Schedules | If there are schedules in addition to the schedule in the Base Schedule field, this data is applied to the Primavera calendar for the period defined by the dates in the Calendar Setup tab. |
In Primavera, resources are organized in a resource structure that is common for all projects. When exporting, the resources are placed in the Primavera resource structure under a top resource node that corresponds to the IFS resource company. This top resource node is automatically created the first time resources belonging to that company are exported. The node can also be created manually in the Primavera resource structure. When resources are assigned to a project, the resources must be located under the top resource node corresponding to the IFS project company. The integration cannot handle resources that are not located under this company resource node.
If there is a value in Resource Company in the integration configuration for an export, all resources corresponding to that IFS resource company are exported. If Resource Calendar checkbox is selected, the resource calendars for the resource company are created or updated and assigned to the resources in Primavera. The following fields are created or updated in Primavera.
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Resource ID | Resource ID |
If it does not already exist, a node for the project
company is created at the highest level in the Primavera resource
Then when a new resource is created, it is placed under this company
node in the Primavera resource structure. Note: The Resource ID must be unique within the entire Primavera resource structure. |
Resource Description | Resource Name | |
Resource Type | New resources created through an export receive the value Labor by default. An update of an existing resource does not update this field. | |
Effective From Effective To |
Effective Date |
When exporting the periods for IFS cost and capacity to
Primavera, the following is considered:
Cost | Price/Unit |
In IFS, the cost is always per hour. When exporting,
the value in the Price/Unit will be per hour (/h). Note: It is not possible to set the currency per project in Primavera. Therefore the currency shown in the Primavera project may not at all correspond to the currency of the IFS project. The value is exported at face value without considering currency. |
Normal Capacity | Max Units/Time | In IFS, the capacity is always number of hours per day. In Primavera, the unit for this field is set in user preferences (the Units/Time format). The exported value is always in hours per day. |
(Resource) Calendar ID | Calendar in Resource Details/Details | The Primavera resources are updated with the IFS Resource Calendar IDs only if the Resource Calendar check box is selected in the integration configuration for an export. |
Project data is exported from the Integration Configuration/Projects Integration tab.
Some information in IFS/Project which can also be useful information in Primavera, is exported to user defined fields (UDF) in Primavera. Note that these fields are not shown in the Compare Data dialog box since they are for additional information only. An example of an user defined field is IFS Activity Seq.
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments | |
External Planning Tool Project ID (As entered in the Integration Configuration tab) |
Project ID
(Or shown as WBS Code if viewing in the WBS window.) |
If the value does not exist in Primavera, a new
project is created.
Project ID | IFS Project ID | This is a user defined field, grouped in the Projects subject area in Primavera. | |
Project Name | Project Name or WBS Name | ||
Project Description | IFS Project Description | This is a user defined field, grouped in the Projects subject area in Primavera. The text may need to be truncated. | |
Program ID | EPS ID |
This field is not updated when
updating an existing project in Primavera. If creating a new Primavera project, and if the IFS project has a value for Program ID, there is a check if the corresponding EPS ID already exists. In Primavera, the EPS ID must be unique.
Program Description | EPS Name | ||
Company | EPS ID |
This field is not updated when
updating an existing project in Primavera. If creating a new Primavera project, and if the IFS project does not have a value for Program ID, there is a check if an EPS ID corresponding to the Company identity already exists. In Primavera the EPS ID must be unique.
Company Name | EPS Name | ||
Manager |
OBS Name Responsible Manager |
If the OBS Name does not already exist in Primavera, it is added into the OBS
structure. This OBS Name is connected to the Primavera project as the responsible manager. Note: Change of Project Manager in IFS will update the Responsible Manager for all WBS elements in Primavera. |
(Project) Status | (Project) Status | The value in this field will be set as follows: | |
IFS | Primavera | ||
Initialized | Planned | ||
Approved | Active | ||
Started | Active | ||
Completed | Inactive | ||
Closed | Inactive | ||
Cancelled | Inactive | ||
Earliest ES or Project Planned Start or System Date | (Project) Planned Start |
Project Calendar | Calendar in Project Details/Defaults tab |
If the Project Calendar check box is selected
in the integration configuration for an export, then the Primavera
project is updated with the IFS Calendar ID given that the calendar
exists as a global calendar in Primavera. When exporting:
Activity Calendar in Activity/General tab | If the Project Calendar check box is selected in the integration configuration for an export and an existing Primavera project is updated, the project calendar is updated but the activity calendars for existing activities are not updated. |
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Sub Project ID | WBS Code | Note: IFS requires that the Sub Project ID is unique for the project, thus it is not possible to either import from or export to Primavera if there are non unique WBS codes in the Primavera project. |
Sub Project Description | WBS Name | Note: Primavera requires that all the WBS elements under one parent WBS element have unique WBS Names. |
Parent Sub Project (or Project) ID | Parent WBS Code |
Sub Project Manager |
OBS Name Responsible Manager |
If the OBS Name does not already exist in Primavera, it is added into the OBS
structure. This OBS Name is connected to the Primavera sub project as the responsible manager. |
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Activity Sequence | IFS Activity Seq |
is a user defined field,
grouped in the Activities subject area in
Primavera. This field is the main identifier to associate a Primavera activity to an IFS activity. |
Activity ID | Activity ID |
If the activity ID is unique for the project, the IFS activity ID simply
updates the Primavera field. Note: In Primavera the activity ID must be unique for the whole Project whereas in IFS the activity ID need only be unique for the specific sub project that the activity belongs. |
Activity Description | Activity Name |
Early Start | Start |
Early Finish | Finish |
Activity Milestone The activity is a milestone when this check box is selected. |
Activity Type |
When creating new activities in Primavera:
- If there is a Start not earlier than constraint imposed on the IFS activity, the value for this field is Start Milestone. - If there is a End not later than constraint imposed on the IFS activity, the value for this field is Finish Milestone. When updating existing activities in Primavera:
Note: Primavera does not allow resources to be assigned to a milestone activity. Primavera has a special network logic related to the milestone type, such as the allowed constraint type for that milestone type and the dependency types allowed for its dependencies. |
Duration Type |
When creating new activities in Primavera, the default value for this field is Fixed Duration & Units.
When updating existing activities in Primavera, the value in this field is not updated. |
% Complete Type | When creating new activities or updating activities in Primavera, the value for this field is Physical. |
Calculated Progress | Physical % |
Actual Start Date | Started check box and Actual Start Date |
If the IFS activity has a value in the Actual Start Date field,
then in
Actual Finish Date | Finished check box and Actual Finish Date |
If the IFS activity is a value in the Actual Finish Date field,
then in
Activity Responsible ID | IFS Activity Responsible | This is a user defined field, grouped in the Activities subject area in Primavera. |
Class and Class Description | IFS Class and IFS Class Description | These are user defined fields, grouped in the Activities subject area in Primavera. |
Status | IFS Activity Status | This is a user defined field, grouped in the Activities subject area in Primavera. |
Constraint Type | Primary Constraint |
If the Constraints check box is selected in the integration
configuration for an export, this field is updated in Primavera.
The IFS constraint Start not earlier than corresponds to the Primavera constraint Start on or after. The IFS constraint End not later than corresponds to the Primavera constraint Finish on or before. If the IFS activity has no constraint:
Constraint Date | Primary Constraint Date | If the Constraints check box is selected in the integration configuration for an export, this field is updated in Primavera. |
If the Dependencies check box is selected in the integration configuration for an export, the following fields are created or updated in Primavera. Changes in dependency type results in that the current dependency type is deleted and the new dependency type is inserted.
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Activity ID | Activity ID | |
Predecessor Activity ID | Predecessor Activity ID | |
Successor Activity ID | Successor Activity ID | |
Dependency Type | Relationship Type |
Lag | Lag |
If the Resource Assignments check box is selected in the integration configuration for an export, the following data is created or updated in Primavera. The resource basic data must exist in Primavera, for the resources to be assigned through the export.
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Activity ID | Activity ID | Note: Primavera does not allow resources to be assigned to a milestone activity. |
Resource ID | Resource ID | |
Planned Hours
or Baseline Hours (as shown in the Project Info /Resource tab |
Budgeted Units |
The Planned Hours value is exported if
the Earned Value Method is Planned. The Baseline Hours
value is exported if the Earned Value Method is Baseline. The value exported is in the unit Hours. |
Actual Hours for Resource | Actual Units | The value exported is in the unit Hours. |
Basic data for resources are imported from the Integration Configuration/Basic Data Integration tab. This data must exist in IFS before it can be assigned to a IFS project though a project integration. In order to create new resources through an import, resource information must be set up in the Integration Setup/Integration Resource Setup tab. Note that calendars are not imported to IFS.
In Primavera, resources are organized in a resource structure that is common
for all projects. When importing, the resources placed under the top resource
node corresponding to the IFS resource company are created or updated in IFS.
The integration cannot handle resources that are not located under this company
resource node.
If there is a value in Resource Company field in the integration
configuration for an import, all resources that are placed under the Primavera
resource node that corresponds to the IFS project company are created or updated
in IFS. The following data is created or updated in Primavera.
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Resource ID | Resource ID | |
Resource Description | Resource Name | |
Resource Company | When new resources are created through an import, it is mandatory to define a calendar and cost element for the resource company to which the resources are imported to. The value for Resource Company must be defined in Basic Data Integration/Resource Setup tab. | |
Calendar |
It is mandatory to enter a Calendar when creating
resources in IFS. A value for default calendar must be defined in the
Basic Data Integration/Resource Setup tab to be able to
create resources though an import. The calendar on existing resources is not updated through and import. |
Cost Element |
It is mandatory to enter a Cost Element when creating
resources in IFS. A value for default cost element must be defined in
the Basic Data Integration/Resource Setup tab to be able
to create resources though an import. The cost element on existing resources is not updated through and import. |
Effective From Effective To |
Effective Date |
When importing the periods for Primavera cost and capacity to
IFS, the following is considered:
Cost | Price/Unit |
In IFS, the cost is always per hour. When importing,
the value in the Primavera Price/Unit field is converted to be per hour
(/h), if the unit used is another. Note: It is not possible to set the currency per project in Primavera. Therefore the currency shown in the Primavera project may not at all correspond to the currency of the IFS project. The value is imported at face value without considering currency. |
Normal Capacity | Max Units/Time | In IFS, the capacity is always number of hours per day. In Primavera, the unit for this field is set in user preferences (the Units/Time format). When importing, the value in the Primavera Max Units/Time field is converted to hours per day, if another preference is used. |
Project data is imported from the Integration Configuration/Projects Integration tab.
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Project Planned Start | (Project) Planned Start | |
Project Planned Finish | (Project) Finish |
Note that it is not possible to delete sub projects in IFS through an import. The deleted sub project in Primavera is displayed in the Compare Data dialog box with the change type Delete for information, but it is not actually deleted when the integration is completed.
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Sub Project ID | WBS Code |
If a WBS Code is changed in Primavera, then a new
sub project is created when importing. Note: IFS requires that the Sub Project ID is unique for the project, thus it is not possible to either import from or export to Primavera if there are non unique WBS codes in the Primavera project. |
Sub Project Description | WBS Name |
Parent Sub Project (or Project) ID | Parent WBS Code |
Note that it is not possible to delete activities in IFS through an import. The deleted activity in Primavera is displayed in the Compare Data dialog box with the change type Delete for information, but it is not actually deleted when the integration is completed.
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Activity ID | Activity ID | If an activity ID is changed in Primavera, then a new activity is created when importing. |
Activity Description | Activity Name |
Parent Sub Project ID | WBS Code | The sub project to which the activity belongs. |
Early Start | Start |
Note: If the IFS activity has an actual start date, the early start date will not be updated when importing. |
Early Finish | Finish |
Note: If the IFS activity has an actual finish date, the early finish date will not be updated when importing |
Activity Milestone |
Activity Type |
If the Primavera activity is a Start or Finish
Milestone, the Activity Milestone check box in IFS is
selected. If the Primavera activity has another Activity Type, the Activity Milestone check box in IFS is not selected. |
Late Start Date | Late Start | |
Late Finish Date | Late Finish | |
Total Float | Total Float |
Free Float | Free Float | |
Constraint Type | Primary Constraint |
If the Constraints check box is selected in the integration
configuration for an import, this field is updated in IFS. The IFS constraint Start not earlier than corresponds to the Primavera constraint Start on or after. The IFS constraint End not later than corresponds to the Primavera constraint Finish on or before.
Constraint Date | Primary Constraint Date | If the Constraints check box is selected in the integration configuration for an import, this field is updated in IFS. |
If the Dependencies check box is selected in the integration configuration for an import, the following fields are created or updated in IFS.
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Activity ID | Activity ID | |
Predecessor Activity ID | Predecessor Activity ID | |
Successor Activity ID | Successor Activity ID | |
Dependency Type | Relationship Type | |
Lag | Lag |
If the Resource Assignments check box is selected in the integration configuration for an import, the following data is created or updated in IFS. The resource basic data must exist on the receiving side of the integration, for the resources to be assigned though the integration.
IFS Field | Primavera Field | Comments |
Activity ID | Activity ID | Note: IFS allows a Resource ID to be assigned only once to the same activity. |
Resource ID | Resource ID | |
Planned Hours (as shown in the Project Info /Resource tab |
Budgeted Units | When importing, the value is converted to the unit Hours, if another unit is used. |