`Integration to Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is commonly used in addition to IFS Project. The integration enables the possibility of exchanging information between IFS Project and Microsoft Project.

The Microsoft Project integration is a two-way integration. This means that an IFS project can be transferred to Microsoft Project, or likewise a Microsoft Project file can be transferred to IFS Project.

All information necessary for planning purposes is handled by the integration, such as project information, the sub project structure and activities with their relevant information. It is optionally possible to transfer information about resources, resource assignments, dependencies and constraints.

This document gives an overview about the integration between Microsoft Project and IFS Project.

Microsoft Project Integration

The MSP Integration is provided as an Add-in to Microsoft Project. The Add-In does not require a F1 Runtime Client installation and is client independent, meaning that it is compatible with environments using Centura, Enterprise Explorer and Web.

Availability/Supported versions of IFS Applications IFS Applications 7.5 from SP5
Will be the only available option in the next core version of IFS Applications (8).
Supported Clients Windows (Centura), Web and IFS Enterprise Explorer (due to its architecture of being a plug-in to Microsoft Project)
Citrix Environments Microsoft Project can be installed on either the Citrix Server or the client.
Operation Integration is started and run entirely within Microsoft Project. Communication with IFS Applications is done entirely using the HTTP protocol in the IFS.Net Acess Provider.
Installation Installed through a separate setup.exe/.msi-package
Configuration and Authentication Username, password and URL to the application server is provided in the logon dialog box.
Supported Microsoft Project Versions The supported versions per IFS Applications track can be found on the Technical Configuration Guide.


Transfer Data to MS Project

Field Descriptions - Microsoft Project and the equivalent in IFS Project

The following Project Properties fields are updated:

In Microsoft Project From IFS Project
Project Properties Summary Title Overview - Project Name
Project Properties Summary Manager Overview - Project Manager
Project Properties Summary Comments Overview - Project Description (255 characters only)
*Project Information: Start Date Overview Project: Planned Start
**Project Information: Finish Date Overview Project: Planned Finish

* If the MSP project is configured to schedule from Project Start Date (in Project Information), this MSP project start date will be given the same date as the earliest activity early start date in the IFS project you are exporting.

If the IFS project has no activities, the project start date in Microsoft Project will be given the same date as the planned start date in Overview Project, provided that this field has a value. If the project has no activities and the planned start date has no value, today's date will be used as the project start date in Microsoft Project.

** If the MSP project is configured to schedule from Project Finish Date (in Project Information), the MSP project finish date will be given the same date as the latest activity early finish date in the IFS project you are exporting.
If the IFS project has no activities, the project finish date in Microsoft Project will be given the same date as the planned finish date in Overview Project, provided that this field has a value. If the project has no activities and the planned finish date has no value, today's date will be used as the project finish date in Microsoft Project.

The following task fields are updated:

Microsoft Project Task Field Name In Microsoft Project table IFS Project
or Field Titles in MSP
From IFS Project
Initials   Resource Group Resource ID
Resource Name   Resource Group Description
Group   Resource Group/Category ID
Costs A (default): Effective Date   Resource Group Cost Effective From (Date)
Costs A (default): Standard Rate   Resource Group Cost or Standard Price
MSP Resource Code   Cost Element
Task Name Description Activity Description / Sub Project Description
Task Text1 Sub Project ID Activity Sub Project ID
Task Text2 Activity ID Activity ID
Task Text3 Activity Class Description Activity Class Description
Task Text4 Import Comments  
Task Text5   Activity Project ID
Task Text6 Responsible Activity Responsible
Task Text7 Activity Status Activity Status
Task Text11   Activity Seq.
Task Number1 Cost Estimated Total Estimated Cost for the Activity
Task Number4 Hours Estimated Total Estimated Hours for the Activity
Task Number5 Hours Planned Total Planned Hours for the Activity
Task Number6 Cost Planned Total Planned Cost for the Activity
Task Number7 Hours Actual Total Used Hours for the Activity
Task Number8 Cost Actual Total Used Cost for the Activity
Task Duration Duration Activity Early Start – Activity Early Finish
Task Start Early Start Activity Early Start
Task Finish Early Finish Activity Early Finish
Task Actual Start   Activity Actual Start
Task Actual Finish   Activity Actual Finish
Task %  Complete Progress Activity Calculated Progress
Notes Notes IFS/Project Activity Notes
Resource Usage: Work   IFS/Project Activity Resource Planned Hours
Task Information: Constraint Type   Microsoft Project Constraint Type
Task Information: Constraint Date   Microsoft Project Constraint Date
Successors/Predecessors From Activity   Successors/Predecessors From Activity
Successors/Predecessors To Activity   Successors/Predecessors To Activity
Successors/Predecessors Type   Successors/Predecessors Dependency type
Successors/Predecessors Lag   Successors/Predecessors Lag
Start 1   Activity Baseline Start
Finish 1   Activity Baseline Finish


Additional Information about the Project in MSP after Import

In Microsoft Project, sub projects are identified by a blank Activity ID. 

An activity will always belong to a sub project, and will be indented accordingly.

Sub projects are indented according to their depth in the sub project structure in IFS/Project.

Given below are the meanings of some of the import comments that accompany imported tasks:

All import comments will be updated each time you import a project.

Also note that the update of a project is dependent on that you do not move sub projects or activities around in the project after you have imported it the first time, and would like to keep updating the project through export/import. If you move an activity from one sub project to another in the project in IFS/Project, this will not be recognized as the same activity in Microsoft Project during import.

It is important to know how Microsoft Project behaves when setting a date for start, finish and duration.

During an import, Early Start and Early Finish in the Microsoft Project file are set equal to the ES and EF dates from IFS/Project for all activities. Duration, in days, will be calculated according to the default calendar in MSP.


Transfer Data from MS Project

Field Descriptions - Microsoft Project and the equivalent in IFS Project

For the project the following information is created or updated. (The Microsoft Project must be calculated if the Project Information Start or Finish Date is revised):

In IFS Project Table
Overview Project - Planned Start Project Information - Planned Start
Overview Project - Planned Finish Project Information: Planned Finish

For resources the following information is created for those that do not exist:

In IFS Project - Resource Group Information From Resource Sheet in Microsoft Project 
Resource Group Resource ID Initials
Resource Group Description Resource Name
Resource Group Company, is automatically set to the project company Does not exist in Microsoft Project

For sub-projects the following information is created for those that do not exist:

In IFS Project - Sub Project Information From Task Data in MSP ( IFS Project table)
Sub Project ID Sub Project ID, 10 characters
Parent Sub Project ID Sub Project ID, 10 characters
Sub Project Description Description, 35 characters

For existing activities the following information is updated:

In IFS Project - Activity Information From Task Data in MSP (IFS Project table)
Activity Description Task Name (Description, 200 characters)
Activity Early Start Task Start (Early Start)
Note: If the IFS activity has an actual start date, the early start date will not be updated when exporting.
Activity Early Finish Task Finish (Early Finish)
Note: If the IFS activity has an actual finish date, the early finish date will not be updated when exporting.
Activity Late Start Task Late Start
Note: If the IFS activity has an actual start date, the late start date will not be updated when exporting.
Activity Late Finish Task Late Finish
Note: If the IFS activity has an actual finish date, the late finish date will not be updated when exporting.
Activity Free Float Free Slack
Activity Total Float Total Slack
Activity Class Description Activity Class Description
Notes Notes

For new activities the following information is created:

In IFS Project - Activity Information From Task Data in MSP (IFS Project table)
Activity ID Activity ID
Activity Sub Project ID Task Text1 (Sub Project ID, 10 characters)
Activity Description Task Name (Description, 200 characters)
Activity Early Start Task Start (Early Start)
Activity Early Finish Task Finish (Late Start)
Activity Late Start Task Late Start
Activity Late Finish Task Late Finish
Activity Free Float Free Slack
Activity Total Float Total Slack
Activity Class Description Activity Class Description
Notes Notes

Information about resources allocated to activities, constraints and dependencies will be created or updated:

In IFS Project Field Titles From Microsoft Project 
IFS Project Activity Resource Planned Hours Resource Usage: Work
Microsoft Project Constraint Type Task Information: Constraint Type
Microsoft Project Constraint Date Task Information: Constraint Date
Successors/Predecessors From Activity Successors/Predecessors From Activity
Successors/Predecessors To Activity Successors/Predecessors To Activity
Successors/Predecessors Dependency Type Successors/Predecessors Type
Successors/Predecessors Lag Successors/Predecessors Lag