Create Project Supply Request
The menu option Create Project Supply Request
will create different types of supplies depending on the supply option that has
been selected for the
project miscellaneous demand.
- The project must be approved.
- The project must have a site.
- The miscellaneous demand must be connected to an
- An appropriate supply option must have been defined for the miscellaneous
- The miscellaneous part must have been defined with appropriate
Part Type and Default Supply Type in inventory.
- The connected activity must be released in order to create a shop order.
To convert the created Purchase Requisition into a Purchase
Order, the activity must be released.
To release the created DOP Header, the activity must be
System Effects
- The Requested Quantity is updated according to the Required Quantity.
- The Requested Date is updated according to Required Date.
- If the supply option is Purchase, then a Purchase Requisition is created.
The Misc. Part or Misc. No Part record is updated with information about the
linked Purchase Requisition, which in turn is pre-posted with the Project ID
and Activity Sequence.
- If the supply option is Dynamic Order Processing and the part is a DOP part,
then a DOP Header is created. The Misc. Part record is updated with
information about the linked DOP Header, which in turn is pre-posted with the Project ID and
Activity Sequence.
- A shop order is created when the Supply Option is Shop Order. The
Misc. Part record is updated with information about the linked
Shop Order, which in turn is pre-posted with the Project ID and
Activity Sequence.
- If the supply option is Project MRP, a purchase requisition or shop
order will be created depending on the part type. If there is no Purchase
requisition or Shop order created by the time PMRP runs, PMRP will plan the
required quantity.
- In the
Project Info/Connections tab, a new record will be visible indicating that a
purchase requisition, shop order or a DOP header has been connected to the
Navigator/Demand/Misc. Parts
Activity/Demand/Misc. Parts
Project/Demand/Misc. Parts
Navigator/Demand/Misc. No Parts
Activity/Demand/Misc. No Parts
Project/Demand/Misc. No Parts
Related Window Descriptions
Navigator/Demand/Misc. Parts
Navigator/Demand/Misc. No Parts
Purchased Parts
- Select the demand line to be procured.
- Use the menu option Create Project Supply Request.
- In the
Create Request dialog
box, click the Create New option to create a new Purchase Requisition, or
select an existing Purchase Requisition to add the demand to.
Manufactured Parts
- Select the demand line to be procured.
- Use the menu option Create Project Supply Request.
- Click OK on the information message.