Define Consumption Point on Company


This activity is used to define the consumption point on a company. The consumption point is the point at which the cost of the project is considered to be consumed out of the budget.



System Effects

Depending on the consumption point defined, the budget will be consumed from that point onwards for all forecasts belonging to the selected company. A consumption point effects the remaining budget in the following ways:

Consumption Point Remaining Budget Calculation
Create Pur Req Line EAC - (Used Cost + Committed Cost + Cost of all PO’s not released + Cost of PRs Released + Cost of  PR’s not released)
Release Pur Req Line EAC – (Used Cost + Committed Cost + Cost of all POs not released + Cost of PRs released)
Create Pur Ord Line EAC – (Used Cost + Committed Cost + Cost of all PO’s not released)
Release Pur Ord Line EAC – (Used Cost + Committed Cost)


Project Basic

Related Window Descriptions

Project Basic/Budget Control


Use the following procedure to define a consumption point:

  1. Open the Project Basic window, and click on the Budget Control tab.
  2. Click New (F5) to create a new record. The Company and Company Name connected to the user logged on will appear by default on all new records created here.
  3. In the Consumption Point field use the drop down list to select one of four consumption points.
  4. Click Save.