In order to give other persons than the project manager and sub project managers access to a project, you need to connect teams to the sub projects. You can specify % in the sub project ID field if you would like the team to have access to the entire project.
Include team will give access to the team for the specified sub project and all sub projects beneath in the structure. Exclude team will remove the access for the team for the specified sub project and all sub projects beneath in the structure.
Project managers and sub project managers will always have access to their own (sub) projects and all sub projects beneath in the structure.
The result of the access definitions can be viewed in Project Navigator/Project Access/Team Access. This window will contain 1 record for each team that has access to the sub project. In Project Navigator/Project Access/Team Members you can see the team members that have access to the selected sub project.
Project Navigator/Project
Access/Access Definition
Access/Access Definition
Project Team/Access
Project Navigator/Project
Access/Access Definition
Access/Access Definition
Project Team/Access
In Project Navigator/Project Access/Access Definition or Project/Project Access/Access Definition follow these steps:
In Project Team/Access Definition follow these steps: