Enter Preliminary Planned Cost


When a part is added as a miscellaneous demand, the planned cost and hours are automatically reported to the activity depending on the part type, costing setup, supplier prices, posting controls and cost element setup. You can change the planned cost and hours as required if there are changes to supplier prices, costing and inventory values and cost element setup.

You can right-click and select the Update Planned Cost and Hours menu option to get the price for the part according to the changes in Part Costing. You will get any changes done to the hours related to the cost elements connected to the part as well when this option is executed.

You can override the planned cost with the supplier price from the quotation which exists in the on the project. If the Supplier Agreement or Purchase Order is approved the supplier price will automatically have a value. If not, you can right-click on the Project Delivery/Quotation List tab and select the Get Best Supplier Price menu option to manually update the supplier price.

You can also check this price for selected demands by selecting the right mouse button menu option Get Supplier Price in the Demand tab.


System Effects


Project/Quotation List, Project Product/Quotation List, Project/Demand/Misc. Parts, Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Parts, Activity/Demand/Misc. Parts, Project Product/Demand/Misc. Parts, Project Navigator /Demand/Misc. No Parts
Project /Demand/Misc. No Parts
Project Product /Demand/Misc. No Parts, Project Product/Project Part Definition, Project Item/Cost

Related Window Descriptions

Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Parts
Project/Demand/Misc. Parts
Project Product/Demand/Misc. Parts
Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. No Parts
Project/Demand/Misc. No Parts
Project Product/Demand/Misc. No Parts


Note: The below functions are the same for a No Part demand and you have to go to Project/Demand/Misc. No Parts, Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. No Parts, Activity/Demand/Misc. No Parts, Project Product/Demand/Misc. No Parts, if you have a No Part demand.

Get Best Supplier Price in Project/Quotation List

  1. Select all rows you want a preliminary best supplier price for.
  2. In the right mouse button menu option click-on Get Best Supplier Price.
  3. The supplier price on the PQL will be updated.

Get Supplier Price in Project/Demand/Misc. Parts , Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Parts, Activity/Demand/Misc. Parts or Project Product/Demand/Misc. Parts

  1. Click the right mouse button menu option Get Best Supplier Price as described above, or wait until an approved RFQ exists.
  2. Select the rows in the Misc. Parts tab that have the Exist as PQL check box selected.
  3. Click the right mouse button menu option Get Supplier Price to update the Expected Supplier Price Per Unit field with the best price from the PQL. Alternatively you can manually enter a supplier price in the Expected Supplier Price Per Unit field as well.
  4. If you accept the price, you may update the Planned cost as described below.

Update Planned Cost in Project/Demand/Misc. Parts , Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Parts, Activity/Demand/Misc. Parts or Project Product/Demand/Misc. Parts

  1. You can either do as described above to get a value in the Expected Supplier Price Unit Price field, or
  2. You can select all the project demand lines that have the Exist as PQL check box selected, after the PQL line has a value in supplier.
  3. Right click and then click Update Planned Cost and Hours.
  4. The planned cost will be updated for the Part or No Part.
  5. If you had made any changes to the planned hours in relation to the cost elements for the Part or No Part, observe that the change in hours will also be updated when you click Update Planned Cost and Hours.