Export Basic Data


This activity is used to export basic data from IFS Applications to Primavera Project Management (Primavera). Basic data in IFS/Project are calendars and resources. Calendars can only be exported from IFS/Project while resources can be both exported and imported. An export of basic data will create new records in Primavera, or update the information in existing basic data. The basic data must exist in Primavera before it can be assigned to a project through a project integration.

Integration configurations are created and saved as records in the Integration Configuration/Basic Data Integration tab. They can be reused any number of times to perform a basic data analysis, or to initiate a basic data integration.

Before the actual export is started it is possible to run a data analysis that will check the most fundamental differences in business logic between IFS/Project and Primavera. Executing the data analysis functionality is a recommended part of the process of integrating data; and it will give information about data that may need to be rectified before performing the integration, in order for the integration to be successful. The analysis can be started separately using the Analyze Data menu option, or in combination with the integration by using the Analyze Data and Run Integration menu option. While the analysis is optional, but recommended, the integration can also be run without it by using the Run Integration menu option.

When initiating a basic data export, the basic data from both IFS/Project and Primavera is compared in order to find the changes that will occur to the basic data, should the export be completed. This information is displayed in the Compare Data dialog box that will open. Thus it is possible to analyze the consequences of updating the basic data before the actual export. Once the basic data from IFS/Project and Primavera has been compared, the actual export can be performed. A completed basic data export, or basic data analysis, results in a history record.

The details for the basic data export are given in About Integration to Primavera Project Management.


System Effects


Integration Configuration

Related Window Descriptions

Integration Configuration/Basic Data Integration
Integration Messages
Compare Data
Integration History


  1. Open the Integration Configuration/Basic Data Integration tab.
  2. Populate and select, or search for, the relevant integration configuration record to use for the export.
  3. Select the row, right-click and then click Analyze Data and Run Integration.
  4. If the analysis results in integration messages, it is possible to view them in the Integration Messages window.

Note: If the basic data analysis results in integration messages of type Error, basic data must be rectified before running the integration. Correct the data accordingly in IFS/Project or Primavera. Continue to the activity Analyze Integration Messages to get more detailed help on how to rectify problems. It is optional to take action on the other types of integration messages, i.e. warnings or information messages.

  1. The Compare Data dialog box will open and display information about the eventual changes of data that will take place at the receiving side of the integration if the export is completed. Observe these changes and click OK to complete the export. Now basic data will be created or updated in Primavera. Alternatively, if unexpected differences in data are found, click Cancel and no changes will be applied to Primavera. Take action to rectify data in IFS/Project or Primavera, and restart this procedure to continue. Note: Changes to calendars will not be displayed in the Compare Data dialog box.
  1. Optionally, open the Integration History window and populate the window to view the history record for the export.
