Modify Requested Quantity


If the required quantity for a miscellaneous demand has been changed, run the Modify Requested Quantity menu option to reflect the quantity change in its connected supply.

In Project Delivery, the required quantity is calculated based on the quantity of the project item in the project product structure. If this quantity has been changed, then a new Gross Requirements Calculation (GRC) must be run in order to reflect the new required quantity for the project specific item in the MPL. If a supply request has already been created for it, the Modify Requested Quantity menu option can be selected to change the quantity of the existing supply. 


System Effects


Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Parts

Project/Demand/Misc. Parts

Project Product/Demand/Misc. Parts

Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. No Parts

Project/Demand/Misc. No Parts

Project Product/Demand/Misc. No Parts
Project Navigator/Demand/MPL

Project Product/Demand/MPL

Related Window Descriptions

Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Parts

Project/Demand/Misc. Parts

Project Product/Demand/Misc. Parts

Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. No Parts

Project/Demand/Misc. No Parts

Project Product/Demand/Misc. No Parts

Project Navigator/Demand/MPL


Project Product/Demand/MPL

Part Procurement Info/MPL


  1. Modify the required quantity on the miscellaneous demand line.
  2. Save the change.
  3. Select the Modify Requested Quantity right mouse button menu option.