Perform Project Analysis


Project analysis involves monitoring information about the project's performance with regards to scope, schedule and cost. The performance and progress of the project should be regularly analyzed in order to identify deviations from the project plan so that corrective action can be taken when necessary. Performance is assessed by comparing Earned Value with the actual value (actual cost of work performed). Project progress is assessed by comparing Earned Value to the budgeted value. Earned Value is also known as the budgeted cost for work performed (BCWP), and is based on the work actually completed.

Another important project indicator is Scheduled Work, which is the budgeted cost scheduled to be completed at the current date if the budgeted value had been evenly distributed over the activity's work days. Scheduled Work is also known as the budged cost of work scheduled (BCWS).

When calculating Earned Value and Scheduled Work, the budgeted cost is either considered to be the planned values or the baseline values, depending on the value of the Earned Value Method. If the value of the Earned Value Method for the project is Baseline, Earned Value and Scheduled Work will be calculated based on baseline values. Alternatively if the value of the Earned Value Method is Planned, these project indicators will be calculated based on planned values.

The important project indicators are presented per activity in the Performance Analysis window or the Project Navigator/Analysis tab. Alternatively, these project indicators are presented per project cost element in the Project Navigator/Project tab.


System Effects



Performance Analysis
Project Navigator

Related Window Descriptions

Performance Analysis
Project Navigator/Analysis
Project Navigator/Project


  1. Open the Performance Analysis window.
  2. Enter a Project ID, or use the List option to choose a project.
  3. Enter a Sub Project ID for the subproject to analyze, or use the List option to choose a subproject. To analyze the entire project, enter an asterisk ('*') in the Sub Project field.
  4. Click the options under Levels to select whether the calculations should include only the subproject, or if they should include the whole structure of the subproject.
  5. Click Update to perform the calculations.
  6. By clicking this, the performance calculation is executed for all the activities according to the entered values in the Company ID, Program ID, Project ID and Sub Project ID fields. The results of the performance calculation are shown in the table.
  7. Analyze the project performance from the calculated results.

    Note: The Project ID can be queried from the Project Navigator/Project and Project Navigator/Analysis windows and then view the calculated project performance for the entered Project ID.