Confirm Project Time


Use this function to confirm your project related time. This must be done before the superior employee can approve the reported time. The NOAPRCON property will control this approval of time. If it is set to TRUE the Approved checkbox will not be checked when the employee confirms his time. Once the superior employee agrees with the reported time, he will approve it for cost accounting.


Before confirming project time, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the transaction is ready for approval by superior.


Project Time Registration

Related Window Descriptions

Project Time Registration


This can be performed in both the Day, Week tabs in the Project Time Registration and Time Registration windows.

  1. Select the date that you want to confirm.
  2. Select the line that you want to confirm by clicking to the left of the line.
  3. Right click on one transaction line, and select Confirm.