Register Personal Cost


Use this function to register project costs that are related to one specific employee, such as travel expenses, food compensation, telephone expenses.


Before registering personal costs, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the registered costs can be invoiced if the Report Code is invoiceable.


Project Cost Registration

Related Window Descriptions

Project Cost Registration/Personal


  1. Select New. The employee number that is connected to your login name will appear automatically.
  2. Enter a shortname or manually enter separate id:s for project, subproject, activity, and report code.
  3. If a Price Adjustment should be used, you can enter a Price Adjustment ID.
  4. Enter values in the  Internal Amount and Sales Amount fields. The Internal Price and Sales Price will be updated automatically if the pricing basic data is set up. In some cases you have to enter a value in these fields manually.
  5. Select the currency of the cost in the Sales Currency field, e.g. USD (US dollars). The default value is the accounting currency of the company.
  6. Specify Currency Type of the cost. This is an optional field. If you want to use different currency rates for different projects or customers, you are able to create Currency Types in Accounting Rules/Currencies/Currency Rate Types. A typical use case is a project where an agreement has been made of a fixed currency rate throughout the duration of the project. The default value in this field will be the Currency Type that is connected to the project (if any).
  7. Write Internal and External Comments. This is an optional activity. The external comments will be visible on the invoice specification.
  8. Select Save.