Register Project Time


Use this function to register project related time. In the Project Time Registration window there are two tabs; Week and Day. Thus you have the choice of registering your time weekly or daily. The difference between the two tabs is that the Day tab includes extra options such as adding internal comments, invoice comments, add price adjustments etc. Using the Week tab will save you some time when you register time on the same report code several days in a row.


Before registering project time, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this entry, the registered time is ready for confirmation and approval.


Project Time Registration

Related Window Descriptions

Project Time Registration


  1. Open the Project Time Registration window and select either the Day or Week tab.
  2. Select date/date interval.
  3. Populate and then select person from the Employee List, or query for the required employee.
  4. Click on the table window and click New to register new project time.
  5. Enter the short name for the required activity or manually enter the project, subproject, activity, and the report code.
  6. Enter the used hours.
  7. Click Save.
  8. The hours you entered will be connected to the Project Navigator/Connections tab as a project transaction. It will report Actual Hours to the project activity through the cost element that is based on the Posting Control type for project time.