Send and Release Project Invoices


This activity is used for sending invoice messages to customers. You have the option of attaching documents and sending them to the customers along with the invoice. You can include the documents already connected to the project invoice, the project invoice specification as well as any other documents.


System Effects


Project Invoice

Related Window Descriptions

Project Invoice


  1. Open the Project Invoice window.
  2. Query or populate to find the project invoice you want to send.
  3. Right click on the project invoice and click Send and Release Invoice to open the Send and Release Invoice dialog.
  4. Specify the appropriate media code by using the list in the Media Code field. The default media code for the company is automatically selected when the dialog is opened.
  5. Specify the relevant user group by using the list in the User Group field.
  6. Specify the relevant voucher type by using the list in the Voucher Type field.
  7. Select the Print Invoice Document check box if you want the invoice to be printed when the invoice is sent.
  8. Select the Add Invoice Connected Objects check box if  you want the the documents already attached to the project invoice to be sent with the invoice.
  9. Select the Add Project Invoice Specification check box if you want the project invoice specification to be sent with the invoice.
  10. If you want to send other documents with the invoice, in the Additional Files group box, click Add and select files that you want to send.
  11. If you want to remove any of the documents added as additional files, select the file in Additional Files field and click Remove.
  12. Click OK to release and send the project invoice.