Purchase Order Authorization Rule

[About Purchase Authorization] [To Procurement]


Use this window to create a purchase order authorization rule and to connect an authorization routing template to the rule. When you try to release a purchase order, or purchase order change order, the system checks to see whether any released authorization rules fulfill the requirement. If this is the case, the system selects the authorization rule with the highest priority, a value of 1 being the highest priority.

Note: For a purchase order you can also select the Fetch Authorization Rule in the Operations menu, which will check whether any released authorization rules fulfill the requirements and replace the previously applied rule and corresponding authorization routing template with the new one. This will also override a possible manually selected authorization routing template.

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Buyers, Suppliers, Supplier Stat Grp, Coordinators, Project Category 1, Project Category 2, Projects.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Purchase Authorization


Enter Purchase Order Authorization Rule
Release Authorization Rule