Receiving Advice

[To Receipt]


Use this window to create, handle, and view the receiving advices. The receiving advice is sent to the supplier to inform about the quantities arrived and approved as well as the receipt dates. This enables the suppliers to confirm the deliveries that they have made to us. You can also send supplier self-billing invoices based on a receiving advice.

The receiving advice is created based on the purchase order receipts. You can also use this window to connect receipts to a receiving advice. It is then possible to print and send this to the supplier as a message. You can also create and send self-billing invoices.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Connected Receipts, Available Receipts

Activity Diagrams

Handle Receiving Advice


Create Receiving Advice
Communicate Receiving Advice

Create Self-Billing Invoice

Send Self-Billing Invoice

Cancel Receiving Advice