Connect Control Plan, Purchasing


Use this activity to connect a Control Plan to the part you want to receive, if you are required to do so but this was not already done in IFS/Quality Management. This activity should be used if you have forgotten to create a Control Plan Purchasing before creating your purchase order or if Mandatory Control Plan Purchasing has been activated but no active Control Plan Purchasing has been connected to this part and purchase order. You can change a Control Plan Purchasing for an existing purchase order as long as no analyses have been created using that Control Plan and part.


A Control Plan Purchasing in the Active status must exist for the part. Control Plans are defined in IFS/Quality Management. 

System Effects

A Control Plan Purchasing is connected to the part you want to receive.


Purchase Order Receipt

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Order Receipt, Connect Control Plan, Control Plan - Purchasing


  1. Query for the purchase order to which you want to connect a Control Plan in the Purchase Order Receipt window.
  2. Choose Connect Control Plan from the right mouse button menu in either the header of the window or in the General tab. This opens the Connect Control Plan dialog box.
  3. In the New Control Plan group box, choose a new Control Plan number by using the List of Values. This list displays all Control Plans for Purchasing in the Active status for all part numbers, not just the part number in your purchase order. The easiest way to determine the correct Control Plan number is to open the Control Plan - Purchasing window in IFS/Quality Management and query for Control Plans that are connected to the specific part number. This helps you to choose the correct Control Plan. If no Control Plans exist for this part number, the Control Plan Purchasing must be created first.
  4. The Create Analysis and Control Plan right mouse button menu options are now enabled in the Purchase Order Receipt window.