Move into Several Stock Locations


This function is used to move parts on a receipt line into several stock location. Receipt lines that are ready to be moved into several stock locations are in the To be Received status. This move function is only for single handled inventory registered purchase parts.

For parts that follow a receive case and are ready to be moved into stock, you can use the Move Into Stock window. This window only displays lines that are available for such moves. Note that receipt lines with pallet-handled parts are visible in the window, but you cannot move them through this move function. You cannot change any data in the window; the move operation leads to the same dialog boxes as the corresponding operation in the Purchase Order Receipt/Single. Work directly in the aforementioned window when handling receipt lines that do not follow the indicated receive case. This window only displays lines that are available for such moves.

Regardless of the starting point, right-click and then click Move to Multiple Locations. This opens the Move to Multiple Locations dialog box. In the Quantities - Purch/Invent Units area, you can see the quantity arrived. If you intend to move the entire quantity arrived, the sum of the quantities in the Purchase Qty to Move column should be the same as that of the quantity arrived.

Click New to create a line for each destination location. If you have connected a default stock location to the inventory part, this is displayed by default in the Location No column. Otherwise, the latest used location is displayed. Enter a purchase quantity to move and specify the desired destination location on each line. If you have created a line by mistake, you can delete it by selecting it and clicking Remove.


System Effects

The parts are received into several stock locations, and the status is updated to Received. If the parts are serial tracked in inventory, they are received into stock locations with serial numbers. If the parts are serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, they are received into a stock location without serial numbers.

If the ownership transfer point is Receipt into Inventory, the inventory parts moved into a stock location will be converted to the ownership type Company-Owned. For normal purchase orders, postings are created with the debit type posting M1, Inventory, and the credit posting type M10, Receipt with Purchase Order. For purchase orders of the type external service order, postings are created with the debit type postings M1, Inventory and M15, WIP at Supplier, and the credit type postings M15, WIP at Supplier and M10, Receipt with Purchase Order. 

If the Self Billing check box is selected on the supplier, and the ownership transfer point is Receipt into Inventory, the self-billing invoice will be created on receiving the inventory parts into a stock location. The quantity received into stock, and not the the total quantity arrived, will be considered in the self billing invoice. 

For the sending location, postings are created with the debit posting type M3, Inventory transfer, and the credit posting type M1, Inventory. For the receiving location, postings are created with the debit posting type M1, Inventory, and the credit posting type M3, Inventory transfer.

Concerning moves with consignment handled parts, postings are created with the debit posting type M3, Inventory transfer, and the credit posting type M60, Consignment stock, for the sending location. For the receiving location, postings are created with debit posting type M60, Consignment stock, and the credit posting type M3, Inventory transfer.


Move into Stock
Purchase Order Receipt

Related Window Descriptions

Move to Multiple Locations
Move into Stock
Purchase Order Receipt
Purchase Order Receipt/Single


Move single handled parts into several stock locations.

  1. Either populate or query for the order number in question. If you have several receipts for an order, you must also select the correct receipt number by using the list box in the Order No field. Select the Single tab.
  2. Select the receipt line in question and choose Move to Multiple Locations in the Operations menu; this opens the Move to Multiple Locations dialog box.
  3. Click New to create a line. Specify the quantity to move in the Purchase Qty to Move column. If you have connected a default stock location to the inventory part, it is displayed in the Location No column. Otherwise, the latest used location is displayed. You can change the suggested destination location if desired. Click List if you want to choose another location from the List of Values.
  4. Repeat the previous step until you have specified all your moves.
  5. Confirm by clicking OK.