This function is used to move parts on a receipt line into one stock location. Receipt lines that are ready to be moved into a stock location have the status To be Received. For parts that follow a receive case and are ready to be moved into stock, you can use Move Into Stock. You cannot change any data in the overview; the move operation leads to the same dialog boxes as the corresponding operation in the Purchase Order Receipt. Work directly in the aforementioned window when handling receipt lines that do not follow the indicated receive case. This overview only displays lines that are available for such moves.
You can move either a subset of the quantity or the entire quantity. The parts that require an analysis cannot be moved into inventory before the analysis is confirmed. You should note, for catch unit enabled parts it is a must that you specify the catch quantity to be moved into stock.
The parts are received into a stock location, and the status is updated to Received. If the parts are serial tracked in inventory, they are received into a stock location with serial numbers. If the parts are serial tracked at receipt and issue but not serial tracked in inventory, they are received into a stock location without serial numbers.
If the ownership transfer point is Receipt into Inventory, inventory parts moved into a stock location will be converted to the ownership type company-owned. For normal purchase orders, postings are created with the debit type posting M1, Inventory, and the credit posting type M10, Receipt with Purchase Order. For purchase orders of the type external service order, postings are created with the debit type postings M1, Inventory and M15, WIP at Supplier, and the credit type postings M15, WIP at Supplier and M10, Receipt with Purchase Order.
If the Self Billing check box is checked on the supplier, and the ownership transfer point is Receipt into Inventory, the self-billing invoice will be created on receiving the inventory parts into a stock location. The quantity received into stock, and not the the total quantity arrived, will be considered in the self billing invoice.
For the sending location, postings are created with debit posting type M3, Inventory transfer, and the credit posting type M1, Inventory. For the receiving location, postings are created with the debit posting type M1, Inventory, and the credit posting type M3, Inventory transfer.
When consignment handled parts are received into a stock location, they are considered as consignment handled in the system as well. No such purchase order lines are visible for supplier invoice matching upon receipt.
When receiving parts (on a manually-pegged purchase order line) into inventory, the quantity received is automatically allocated to the demand(s) that are pegged to the purchase order line, in ascending order based on due date. The pegged quantity is reduced by the quantity received on all received objects. When a purchase order line is partially delivered, or when some of the arrived material is rejected, you are notified through an event if the pegged demands were not fulfilled. The event to use if you would like this kind of notification is Unfulfilled_Pegging.
Concerning moves with consignment handled parts, postings are created with the debit posting type M3, Inventory transfer, and the credit posting type M60, Consignment stock, for the sending location. For the receiving location, postings are created with debit posting type M60, Consignment stock, and the credit posting type M3, Inventory transfer.
If the Print Serviceability Tag check box is selected, the serviceability tag is printed for the part. Serviceability tag refers to the tag used in the Aviation industry to clearly identify an uninstalled component or assembly and its current status. For non-serial parts, the tag will be printed in the serviceability status you entered, whereas for serial parts the serviceability status is automatically determined by the system based on the operational status and operational condition of the serial. Therefore,
Purchase Order Receipt
Quality Basic Data
Move Into Stock
Purchase Order Receipt
Purchase Order Receipt/Single
Move Purchase Order Receipt (single)
Quality Basic Data
Print Serviceability Tag
Move single handled parts into one stock location.
Note: If the delivery date has been specified as the supplier invoice tax liability date in the Tax Liability Date Control window for a tax code, the supplier invoice must be entered manually and the self-billing invoice creation process will be stopped with an error.