Connect Default Locations to Site


Use this activity to connect default receipt locations against a site. It facilitates the receipt of goods, but it is optional to use this feature. Default locations for a site is useful when an inventory part has no default locations specified. A default location can be amended at receipt.

The following location types can be connected as default locations to a site: Arrival, Quality Assurance, Pallet Arrival, and Pallet Quality.

When you perform an action, such as an arrival registration or a movement, the system suggests an adequate location dependent on the performed step in the receive case flow. However, if a default location with the location type arrival, pallet arrival, quality assurance, or pallet quality is connected to the inventory part as well, the system suggests this location instead.

Note: The default receipt locations specified in the inventory part record will take precedence over the default locations entered here.


System Effects

A default receipt location is connected to one of your sites.


Procurement Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions

Procurement Basic Data, Procurement Basic Data/Receipt Locations


  1. Click the Receipt Locations tab in the Procurement Basic Data window.
  2. Create a new record.
  3. In the Site column, enter the code for the site or use the List of Values. In the Description column, the name of the site is automatically entered.
  4. In the Default Location No column, enter the location number or use the List of Values. The Location Type column and the Location Group column are automatically filled in.
  5. Save your entry.