Register Standard Recruitment Activities 


Use this function to describe the standard recruitment process and details required for selecting a candidate. These standard tasks and processes will be used when selecting a candidate per Requisition Number in Job Candidate

Use the function Standard Recruitment Errands to define the request for employees and errands that are needed to verify a recruitment process, e.g., contact an employment agency, receive applications, test candidates, etc.

Use the function Standard Selection Process to define the plan schedule of the selection process, which will be used to verify a Personnel Requisition.

Use the function Standard Action List to define the basic data needed for the job candidate function.


Recruitment Standards

Related Window Descriptions

Recruitment Standards


Register Standard Recruit Errands:

  1. Select New.
  2. Fill in the Standard Recruitment Errand Name and select either one or both of the check boxes, Apply to External Candidate and Apply to Internal Candidate. The description field is optional.
  3. Save.


Register Standard Selection Process:

  1. Select New.
  2. You must fill in the Selection Process and choose the Result Type from the list box. Mark the Mandatory and either of the To Be Performed Internal and To Be Performed External fields. The description field is optional.
  3. Save.


Register Standard Action List:

  1. Select New.
  2. You must fill in the Std Action Item Name. Mark the Mandatory and either of the To Be Performed External and To Be Performed Internal fields. The Action Sequence Number describes in which order you should perform the action. The description field is optional.
  3. Save.